Rose of Despair

My love is gone

"I cant just stand here and do nothing!"
"Taylor, calm down."
"Hermione, its torturing me!!"
Taylor paced back and forth, glacing up every now and then.
"I cant take it anymore!"
"No! Taylor, dont do it!"
"How can he do this to me!?" she asked looking back at her friend.
Taylor sat back down on the bench, at the moment they were in the
Great Hall. She sent death glares at the Slytherin table.
Making eyes with Tristan, he smirked at her.
"Im gonna kill him."
"NO! Taylor dont!" Hermione said grabbing her friends arm, pulling her to take a seat.
A few students sent the two confused glances.
Tori sat there at the Gryffindor table, grinning with her arms folded across her chest.
"Your so pathetic Taylor." Tori happened to say with a smirk.
"Who's side are you on?" Taylor asked almost yelling. Those around here shook their head
hold it all in.
There he was, Tristan Love. Sitting next to his two best mates Draco and Blaise, staring at
table at the other end of the room, tormenting the girl hes in love with.
Reaching for another chocolate fudge brownie in front of him, soon taking another bite.
Then a smirk appeared as Taylor got up and was headed his way, reguardless if Hermione
pulling at her arm.
"You are such a selfish prick you know that!" Taylor said once she reached the table.
"Ahh...hmm want a brownie?" he asked,looking up at her with his honey brown eyes.
Taylor glared daggers at him.
With not another second to spare she grabbed the brownie out of his hand and shoved it into
her mouth.
Hermione then smacked her forehead before shaking her head, disapproving.
Then Tori and her walked over to the Slytherin table, both looking not so happy.
"I believe you got something for me." Draco said rising from his seat.
"Yeah yeah, here!" Tori said shoving a few galleons into his hand.
Upon recieving the galleons Draco leaned and gave her a kiss.
Hermione rolled her eyes, while she took Draco's seat next to Blaise.
"Your so cute when your mouth is full." Tristan whispered into Taylor's ear, who
quickly turned to glare at him with hatred. The other Slytherins stared at her with disgust
seeing as how shes a Gryffindor and shes shoving brownies from their table into her mouth.
Since everyone knows that Taylor has a big sweet tooth, bigger then Toris' they decided to
make a bet that she cant go one day with eating anything sweet. Tristan
being the very supportive boyfriend he his decided to provoke her and all morning he has
been putting anything sweet into his mouth.
Tori and Draco made a bet of their own, and having some hope in her friend Tori raised the
amount, which unfortunately is now in her boyfriend's hand.

"I cant believe how easily you gave in." Hermione said with a small giggle to follow.
"Oh hush it Granger!" Taylor said still upset that she let her boyfriend win.
Alice and Krystal laughed at her, knowing that wouldnt have survived anyways.
"You guys try surviving without something you desperately cant live without and see how
it feels!"
"Hahaha, Tori without Draco? thats impossible!" Alice said, the others laughed except Tori.
"Draco is not something I cant live without!" Tori said in her defense, and everyone knew
it was all bullsh**!
"Sure deary!"
"Hmm so you think you can survive without me?" Draco asked from behind the girls, throwing
his quidditch broom down to the ground.
The boys just arrived back from a few games of the long lost loved game!
The headmaster decided to give the students a break, but they are still aware if anything happens.
Having them for the past few weeks doing nothing but training and school work non stop,
almost completely tiring them out. Dumbledore knew that they needed a day off, time to relax and
be themselves again for a bit, seeing as how the group barely had time to see one another
because of the schedual.
"I know I can!" Tori said, with a bit of pride, I mean c'mon let the girl have her pride!
"Keep telling yourself that love." Draco told her, sitting next to her.
With a sigh, she felt defeated.
She could survive without him, right?
Now the thought was stuck in her head, it would be in yours too if you were in that
"Dont think about it anymore." Draco whispered bringing her out of her trance.
Smiling Draco kissed her forehead.
Hermione's laughter brought everyone to look her way. Blaise at the moment
was trying to wipe his sweat on her, everyone knew it was just his way to hear her laugh.
Ron and Harry were off to the side, disgussing something in private.
Probably about Ginny.
Harry had caught her doing something she shouldnt have been doing, the poor bloke has been
devastated,tired,and heart broken. Everyone tried to pitch in their help but he refused.
Stubborn as he is, he just needs some time to heal and get over it. Things must not be easy on him.
Everyone knows that not all his feelings for Tori have disappeared, but more of his heart
went to Ginny. So now he has to train every night not being himself. But that occured a while ago,
still a bit in pain, Harry is showing signs of moving on.....not completely but
in time he'll be there.
Tori looked over at Harry sadly, now things were really starting to make her think.
If Harry and Ginny loved eachother so much and this happened, what would be the outcome with
her and Draco if that ever occured. Draco knew that once she found out about Harry and Ginny
the thought would be in her head,so he has been reassuring her that that will not happen to them.
By showing the ring on her finger to her everytime it sent some relief.
Harry never gave Ginny a promise ring, so for Tori that was good. At times a girl needs
some reminding that she is still loved even after how long, and that reminder was the
emerald diamond ring on her finger.
Well if you are all wondering what about Ron, well he has decided that the whole relationship
trend wasnt his thing. After the whole deal with him and Hermione passed he has come to some senses.
Ron doesnt want a relationship, especially during a war. He doesnt want to have to endure the
pain of losing someone he cares for if they died, he has his family to worry about, he doesnt need
another one.
Krystal and Seamus, well the two are usually distant from the group when it comes to their
alone time, no they arent doing anything bad! Just they think that by spending time with one
another they should do it in private instead of having friends there to ruin the moment.
Alice and Zack, well they are just there keeping to themselves. Joking and playing around with
eachother as any coupld would.
OH wow! So many couples!!!
Anyways, this little time to get away from the fact of having a war is very helpful.
Although relieved they are still on full alert.
"Um Im sorry but Proffesor Dumbledore would like a word with you." A Ravenclaw forth year
said to Draco not looking at him or anyone else around him.
"Okay, thanks." he replied, and sent her on her way.
"Do you want me to come?"
"Its okay,Ill be fine." he told Tori standing to his feet.
Leaving down to kiss her before heading into the castle.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you too." she said, kissing him one more time, smiling.
Once Draco was out of view, the whole group said at the same time.
"OH shut it you losers." Tori told them rolling her eyes, before another smile spread
on her face.
The black lake's water glistened before them, their tree providing them lovely shade.
Green grass layed beneath them, giving them the sense of freedom and that longing
feel of relaxation.
A good day can go bad within seconds though, the good sun can be taken away from you
and you wont even know till its gone.
The day was coming to an end, dinner time was around the corner.
Tori hadnt seen Draco yet. expecting him to be back hours ago. But the Ravenclaw did say
that Dumbledore would like a word with him, so it sent her some calm feelings.
Tori felt a bit better knowing that, but she couldnt help but still be worried.
I mean what could Proffesor Dumbledore want to talk to him about that would take this
long, it must be something serious since Draco's been gone a good four hours.
*Ill just meet him at dinner* Tori thought, rising from where she was sitting.
Tori had been the only one sitting outside at the same spot, the sun fell about an hour ago.
She had decided to stay behind when all her friends wanted to go in and prepare for dinner.
This was the moment that she was given to think.
Think about all the things that has been bothering her, all the things that have made her happy
and sad, and all the things that might happen once the war is over if she is still alive.
Tori smiled then turned away embarrased when she couldnt help but think about a
life with Draco, as more then just her boyfriend.
Rolling her eyes at the silly thought she began to think of smaller, serious things.
A gust of wind then blew gently against her giving her shivers.
"Time for dinner I suppose." she whispered before sending one last glace at the lake for the day.
Walking into the Great Hall her eyes quickly went to the table opposite of hers.
Nope, not there.
Confused Tori headed to her own table to join her friends who hasnt touched their food yet, must
have been waiting for her.
"Ah there she is, gosh Tori you look more pale then usual!" Hermione exclaimed.
"It was really cold out." she said taking a seat.
Tom got up and gave her his coat, which she thankfully accepted.
Then everyone digged in, all exept Tori.
She looked up at the Proffesors table, one by one looking at the teachers as they chatted away.
Looking more confused then ever, she once again looked to the Slytherin table.
"Tori are you okay?" Taylor whispered.
"Um yeah just wondering where Draco is at."
"Isnt he at the Slytherin table?"
"No, he left awhile ago because Dumbledore wanted to talk to him, but Dumbledore is right there."
Tori whispered back.
"Calm down dude, Draco is probably at his common room resting. I mean he does look like he needs
some rest."
"Yeah your right, I just had a bad feeling like....nevermind its all good now."
With that said Tori pigged out, enjoying the great tasting food.
Everyone chatted away, having a good dinner.
"Hey Tori, did you read that book I gave you?" Alice asked joining the group a few minutes before
dinner was to end.
"Oh, no sorry Alice Ive been kinda distracted, but dont worry! Ill get right to it
when i get back to my room."
Proffesor Dumbledore then stood up and said some goodnight words before sending the students
to their rooms.
"Hey Tori, need some company on your HeadGirl duty tonight?" Hermione asked as they all headed
back to the Gryffindore tower.
"Yeah sure Mione, we go at 9 o'clock. Since today is Thursday Tristan and Casey will have
the first watch for their prefect duties then you and I can go."
"Okie dokie!" Hermione said over excited for some reason.
"Oh and we HAVE to stop by the Austronomy Tower on the way back. Draco has been bragging
about how nice it is at night!"
Tori laughed and nodded her head, the two girls on their way to catch up with the others.

Waking up early because of a bad dream, Tori had no other choice but to stay awake.
Having nothing else to do and to hopefully sooth her worries she reached for her two way
journal in her self.
*Draco?* she wrote. After a few seconds no response came, she gave up haveing the thought
he is still in a deep sleep. For the next hour she layed in bed staring at the ceiling,
waiting till her roomates woke up and got ready for breakfast.
"Tori? You're awake?! How late am I?!" Taylor said jumping to her feet.
"No Taylor its only 6:30 in the morn, plety of time before breakdast starts."
She couldnt help but laugh at Taylors face when she slowly peeked her head out of the bathroom,
with her tooth brush in her mouth looking completely confused.
"Oh, then why are you up so early?"
"Bad dream, but all better now." she said reassuring her friend.
"Okay, Mione should be waking up any second now and im going to be in the bathroom
doing stuff I should be without rushing." Taylor tiredly said before heading back.
Taylor was right, Hermione soon woke up a couple minutes later.
Later the girls met up with Alice and Krystal for their usual routine in the morning, all
headed the same way, to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"Where is he?" Tori whispered to herself, not finding a certain someone in the room.
"Well Dumbledore isnt here, most likely in his office. I can follow you to go
check if hes seen Draco." Hermione offered as the two stood in front of the entrance.
"Yeah, thanks."
"Hey guys, gonna be right back." Tori yelled to their freinds, upon recieving
weird looks from her lovely friends classmates.
They ran to the headmasters office, all breathing hard once they reached thier destination.
" Proffesor, Im sorry to barge in but I was wondering have you seen Draco?" Tori
said all in one breath,then gving herself time to finally catch herself.
"Hello Victoria, hmm no I dont believe I have seen him. Last time was yesterday."
"Oh. Just thought Id ask since you called for him yesterday and before that it was the
last time ive seen him. I guess im just really worried about him." Tori said.
"Proffesor, noone else has seen him." Hermione chipped in.
"Oh no my dears." the headmaster said rising to his feet in an instant.
"Whats wrong?"
Dumbledore didnt answer, he just quickly walked past them in an hurry and out the door.
Having no other choice the two girls followed.
Dumbledore walked quickly far into the castle, before suddenly bursting into a room.
"Severes might I have a word."
"Is there something wrong Headmaster?" Snape said.
"Did you happen to see Mister Malfoy yesterday?"
"No sir, Ive been having a meeting with Miverva and Hagrid all day."
"OH no."
"Uncle! what is going on?" Tori asked in a much louder tone, fear written all over everyones faces.
"The reason I called for young Mr. Malfoy yesterday was because.........."
"His father was here, calling for him."
Tori stared at him like she had no idea what to say.
"What did his father want?" Hermione asked.
"All he told me was that he wanted to talk to his son and Proffesor Snape."
Suddenly the doors to Proffesors Snape flew open.
"Im sorry to interupt but Headmaster, someone has been killed!"
Tori's hand flew to her mouth, expecting the worse.
"Who Minerva?"
Magonagal paused not knowing if she should say in front of the girls.
"Umm, Milo sir. Aurors said they were in combat with Lucius Malfoy a few miles away from
Hogwarts, I believe young Mr Malfoy was with him."
"Lucius was attempting to take Draco away by force, and as the Aurors were on their way
back from Bashukin. They saw Lucius and a battle broke out. Lucius got away right after he killed
Milo sir." Magonagal said in tears, she looked more scared then anyone in the room.
"What about Draco?" Hermione asked.
"His father petrified him, taking him with." The scared Proffesor managed to spit out.
Hermione looked behind her excepting Tori there, but all she saw was the hallway, the door wide open.
Within a second Hermione ran after her cousin, fearing the worse at what she might do
in this situation.
It was now clear, Draco was taken away from Tori, by his father.
Whats worse made Hermione shake her head for thinking such a bad thought.
*Draco's father knows about Tori, their enemy.*
♠ ♠ ♠
Big thanks to all those who have rated and commented!
hope you enjoyed this chapter!