Rose of Despair

I'll come for you

The news about Draco had spread fast, rumors began to occur
with in the school walls, just like any typical school.
Some say that Draco probably willing left with his father, those
of course being Slytherins. Others say that Tori and Draco
fought and he left her making everyone think his father forced
Noone knew the real information, noone except Tori and her friends,
as well as the Proffesors.
Three days have gone by since Draco was taken, and things in the
group havent been the same. Tori barely ate or talked or barely
did anything at all. She would just find some place to sit and think
and sometimes cry. Things were worse during training, she would
keep focus but not for very long. All she kept thinking was
about that stupid blonde head boy, for basically anything she glanced
at reminded her of him.
*Just when things were becoming better* she would whisper to herself.
Tori had no idea if she would ever see Draco again, or if he was even
alive at the moment.
Taylor and Hermione would often catch Tori crying at night, her tears
being the only thing at the moment that would make her sleep.
Draco's departure has taken a bigger impact on Tori then she ever
pictured. She told herself to be much stonger then this.

"Victoria? What are you still doing up this late?" A deep voice asked
from behind her interupting her thoughts.
"Sorry, I'll leave now." She said getting up and about to walk out.
"Do not leave if you will go and cry somewhere else." Remis Lupin
spoke silently. Turning to face him, Tori wiped her tears.
"I havent seen you train like you have for the past three days, do
you wish to talk about it?"
Tori shook her head, just looked down.
"Nor have I seen a dry bright day in three days." he added, which
made her look at him with tears.
Lupin walked over to her, took her hand and pulled her into a hug.
Not being as strong as she thought, she cried. She cried harder then ever.
"Do not worry about him dear, hes a fighter! Having to know him for this
short period and see the changes within him I know he will do anything
to find his way back."
"How do you know that they havent killed him?"
"Ahh do not doubt him Tori, he is much stonger then their spells."
Tori nodded, she believed that he was okay, but when will he come back
to the school? to his friends? to her?
"I just miss him, im sorry to bother you all with my stupid
relationship problems, its just.......I guess i really do love him.
Everyone says that im too young to know what love means, but how can they
know that if they dont try for themselves."
"My dear, noone is ever to young to love. There are just different kinds
of love. Lets say and infants love for its mother, or a friends love
for a friend. It doesnt matter what people say because they dont feel
what you feel. If it doesnt work out, it doesnt mean that it wasnt love.
It means that their love has simply laid to rest for a bit."
"Yeah but some people use the word for granted, how can we ever tell
if they mean it or it if what they say is true?"
"Well if you doubt their words of love, what are you doing with them in
the first place? If it doesnt feel like it is then it probably
isnt, dont try to fool yourself and pretend that it is."
The clouds had finally cleared up, making those around see the night sky
for the first time in a while. Tori smiled for a bit, as she saw the
stars again.
Standing in the Astronomy Tower she stared at the stars, they were shining
brighter then ever, as if waiting for the clouds to clear and
glisten once again. Although she deeply missed Draco, she trusted her
heart that he was okay and that soon, soon she will be with him again.
Tori had tried thinking of a plan to run away and save him, but she didnt
know where to run to, or even how she would save him.
"Ahh beautiful night isnt it?" Lupin asked, looking up with a smile.
"Yeah, it just got better." Tori whispered.
"Well its getting late, actually its already too late. I must head back
is there anything else that you wish to talk about?"
"No sir and thank you Proffesor."
"No problem my dear, now get some rest. We have a mission tomorrow."
With that said Lupin left the Astronomy Tower with a smile.
Tori knew it was late, so she stared up just for another minute.
Gazing at the precious stars shes been depriving the world, thinking of
her beloved Draco.
"I'll come for you."

Draco woke with a sudden jolt, looking around not knowing where he is.
Once he got some of his senses back he began to feel pain all around his body.
What have they done to him? Where is he? Where is Tori? Whats going on?
Typical questions were going through his head, he had a faint memory of what
last happened.
*Draco I came here to take you* the voice of his father.
He was thinking about the last thing he rememebered.
*No father*
The room was spinning so fast, it was hard to concentrate.
*How dare you! First desgrace the family name by being seen with that filth*
*Dont call her that!*
Draco shook his head, he pictured when his father smacked him with his cane, as
he is no longer his son, but someone much lower then he is.
*If you have any sense of who you are, that will be the last time you
speak to me like that.* his father yelled.
Last he remebered they were supposedly on their way to Snape's office, his
father pulling him into an unknown room.
*I came as soon as I heard you were with those scums! How sickening it is
to even look at you now.*
*I love he...*
Draco fell to the ground from the impact of his cane again.
*You disappoint me son.*

Draco opened his eyes, he was still in the same room, the place his father
has taken him to. He sat there, trying to break free from the chains that
binded him to the chair.
The room was dark and musty, a small light shown from the ride of the room, he
heard voices outside the wooden door.
Suddenly it bursted open, making him jump. His eyes squinted as the light ventured
into the room from outside the door.
"Ahh he is awake"
"Where have you taken me?"
"What is none of your business! Your mother has been worried sick for you"
Lucius grabbed Draco's face, making him look at him.
"What have they done to you, you are not my son anymore."
"You're right, Im not."
Lucius threw his sons face away from his, too disgusted to look at the
boy he raised.
"I can see that no matter what I say nothing will change your mind on who you..."
Lucius paused glaring at Draco.
"Lo..lo...who you are with. Don't you understand Draco! She is the enemy! Malfoys
do not love! Especially those less then us!"
"Stop! Don't speak of her like that! She is higher then you will ever be!"
Another smack went to Draco's face, now adding another bleeding cut to the mix.
"You may have changed but your loyalty better have not! They have blinded you!"
"I have chosen."
"And what is it."
Draco glared, not seeing the man that is known to be his
father but rather the man that denied him love for so long.
"My loyalty lies elsewhere."
♠ ♠ ♠
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I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I found it completely lovely!
let me know what you think about it!