Rose of Despair


Dumbledore decided to have one final training session before
they were to head out and do their specific missions. Although
with Draco not being there, Tori has decided to fight her hardest
that night.

"Okay, now lightning!" Dumbledore yelled.

Within seconds Tori produced lighting from the clouds, everyone
watched as it shot down towards them.

"Okay Tom, it is your turn. I want you to enclose water
around Kingsley here, as if you were drowning him."

Tom doing exactly as he was told, he held his arms in the
air, as if calling the rain from the clouds Tori
provided above. Within a spit second, Tom waved his hands,
controlling the water to wrap Kingsley in what looked to be
a water bubble, instantly drowning him. Everyone stood
amazed and they watch the Auror struggle, being unable to breath,
nor say a spell to get him out of this situation.
With word from Dumbledore, Tom removed the water making
Kingsley fall to the ground, gasping for air.

The headmaster wanted to make sure that Tori and Tom are
capable of controlling their elements,
and so far they have been able to do it all.

"Well done you two, well done." Dumbledore mumbled, as he
continued to look up as the flashes of light bounced around
in the clouds.

Everyone then placed themselves in their dueling position.
Professor Lupin smiled at Tori as the two stood
in front of one another with the determination to
put on a good fight.

"Ready?" he asked and with a slight nod from Tori, he
began throwing curses her way. Being able to block them
with gusts of wind, Tori whipped out her wand and in turn
started sending hexes Lupin's way.

Around them the others as well dueled their hearts out.
Harry and Mad-Eye Moody were sending one another
flying back and slamming into the walls. When they first
began training Harry found it impossible to even hit
his opponent with a spell. Tristan and Blaise weren't going
easy on their challengers either. Proffesor Snape definately
had a battle he has been waiting for.

An hour has passed and although they were getting tired,
everyone knew they weren't close to being done.

"I'm feeling a little dizzy." Tori said towards Lupin
as she stood there leaning against the wall.

"Come on Tori, you must continue to fight, because whoever
you are dueling will not wait until your dizziness disappears.
Agreeing with him, Tori took her stance. After another minute
of sending Professor Lupin hexes, Tori's headache and nausea
was getting worse. Now she had double vision, and began swaying
back and forth.

Confused, Lupin stared at her, knowing that this isn't typical
of her.

"Tori?" he called, hoping to get her attention.

Suddenly to his surprise, she dropped to the ground, blackening
out. He ran to her calling her name. When he reached her, he
found her unconcious. As soon as she dropped to the floor, it
immediately caught the attention of the others.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked running towards the two.

"I'm not sure, she mentioned she was feeling dizzy
before falling down."

Everyone gathered around the unconcious girl, all

"Do you think she over worked herself?" Tom asked, sweat dripping
down his face.

"I am not too sure. Take her to the hospital wing." Dumbledore
told Lupin.

"We need to continue without Miss SinClair." The headmaster
said, calling the attention of everyone. Another hour or two,
they finished for the night. With orders from Dumbledore
noone was to see Tori, until the morning. He wanted to make sure
that they got enough rest. He also reassured them that
she will be fine in the morning.

The following morning, Hermione and Taylor got up
and decided to skip breakfast. They headed to the hospital
wing to find out that everyone else was already there,
all waiting outside the locked doors.

"Why is it locked?" Hermione asked.
"Promfrey isn't here yet, should be on her way now." Harry
As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of Maddam
Promfrey's heels came rushing to the hospital wing.

"Oh, wow. I am guessing you are all here to see Miss SinClair?"
she asked, holding the keys in her hand.

Without an answer, she unlocked the doors. Everyone quickly
filed in to find Tori waking up already.

"Tori!" Taylor yelled, making the poor patient jump.

"What happned?" Tori asked, still feeling very much

"You blacked out last night! You scared us all!" Krystal
informed her.

Promfrey disappeared behind the curtains, and in a minute
she returned looking confused yet shocked.

"Miss SinClair, I have some rather important news and
I am not sure everyone should be in here."

"No, I want them here. Can you please tell me what is
going on? Did I develop some kind of sickness?" Tori
asked looking really worried to hear the results.

"No." Maddam Promfrey paused looking unsure if she
should say it with all Tori's friends around.

"'re pregnant."

"What?!" Linda SinClair yelled, completely
outraged. Everyone was now in Dumbledore's office,
including the very shocked Tori.

"How could you let this happen? I thought you
knew better!" Linda yelled, as she continued to pace back
and forth.

"I'm sorry I don't know." Tori whispered.

As soon as everyone heard the news, nothing
but shocked written all over their faces.

"Tori you are only seventeen!"
"Mom, I am sorry! I don't know
how it happend, besides you were sixteen when you had me!"
"I was young Tori, this does not give you an excuse!
My actions is something I had to deal with!"
"I am so sorry!"
"I am extremely disappointed in you!"

Tori looked down to the ground, very much disappointed in
herself. After a few minutes, thankfully for Dumbledore,
Linda SinClair calmed down.

"How far along Tori?" she asked with her head down.
"Two and a half months." Tori replied in a whisper.

Linda looked up at her daughter to find Tori silently
crying, almost immediately she felt bad for her. She walked
over to Tori and hugged her daughter, not wanting to let go.

"Tori, you are too young. With this war about to happen,
what are we going to do?"
"I don't know."
Hermione walked over to her cousin and aunt and joined them
in the hug.
"Don't worry Tori, we will figure this out." Hermione whispered,
feeling completely bad for her cousin's situation.

"Okay, you all head back to your common rooms, I need to discuss
a few things with Professor Dumbledore." Linda told everyone.

As soon as they left the office Linda turned to Dumbledore.

"What are we going to do Albus? This is not the time to
bring a child into this world."
"Do not worry Linda, Tori may be young, but she is
extremely capable of handling this on her own. She is a
strong girl."
"I never doubted her, its just she already has so much to
worry about. She should have known better."
"Are you mad because she is pregnant? or are you mad
because it is Mr. Malfoy's?"

Linda looked up instantly, surprisingly she replied,
"I don't know."

"My dear, the Malfoys that you have grown to known does
not run in his veins. He loves your daughter. Although
he has made mistakes in the past, I believe he has
definately proven himself."
"But...he is a Malfoy!" she nearly yelled.
With a smile from the wise headmaster he then told her
something that will ease her up.

"Draco's character is no longer judged by his name. He
has changed more than anyone I have ever witnessed, and
to be honest I was surprised as well. I am extremely
honored that he is the father of that child because the
love that boy has for your daughter, it is something
I believe is true. He may carry the name, but his heart
had gotten rid of it long time ago. It is time you do the same"
♠ ♠ ♠
okay I decided to add this chapter into the story that I had already made. This
was a new idea that I thought would definately fit and spice things up.
Enjoy and comment to let me know what you all think of it!