Rose of Despair

Head Boy and Girl


Silence was the main sound that night, everyone anticipating on what the headmaster was talking about.
Suddenly the door burst open, a gust of smoke hiding the special surprise.
Victoria looked towards the Proffesor's table, Dumbledore still smiling. A second year Ravenclaw shrieked as the smoked cleared up.
There at the doors to the great hall were animals, not just any animals but a pair of Lions, Ravens, Badgers,Basilisks, and Wolves.
These special animals were not the typical ones that everyone are use to, they were twice the size of the originals and something about them gave comfort to people.
With a nod from Dumbledore they entered the room, each animal going to their perspective area. The lions came up to Harry and Hermione and presented them with a red envelope. Victoria glanced at the Slytherin table and noticed Tristan holding up a olive green envelope. People noticed that everyone holding an envelope were the best student that would represent their houses as they had much potential, confidence as well as honor.
Victoria gave a confused look as she noticed the wolves that sat still outside the great hall.
" Congradulations, you have been chosen to represent your house by becoming one of Hogwart's new prefects. You have been granted the privilages to roam the halls after hours, take off house points as well as give them (we trust you not to cheat) and to honor your houses by setting good examples for the younger years." the letter read.
Everyone congradulated Harry and Hermione, both smiling and still a bit shocked. Victoria noticed Alice holding up a blue letter as she jumped up and down.
"Congrats Ally!" Both Tori and Taylor yelled, Alice smiled and them while doing a freaky dance.

After presenting certain students with their prefects letters,the great animals left.
" So Harry and Mione from Gryffindor, Alice and Jimmy from Ravenclaw, Susan and Victor from Hufflepuff and Tristan and Malfoy(Casey) from Slytherin,hmm interesting choices." Tori said to herself.
After the excitment settled down a bit, Professor Dumbledore stood up and said, " First I would like to give a great congrats to those lucky students, I know you'll make us proud. But i still have another surprise for you." with that he sat down after giving a nod towards the awaiting wolves.
Suddenly the Wolves entered the Great Hall, everyone staring at them.
They split up once they reached the tables, one went to the table at the far end, the other the opposite side. At the front of the room both Wolves howled, making students jump in thier seats, but these werent the usual annoying scary howls but a calm and soothing one.
Then one of the Wolves approached the Slytherin table, as if looking for someone.
It started walking up to Draco who looked a bit intimadated.
They stared at one another for a moment, confused Draco stood up and followed the wolf to the front of the hall. Noticing another person meeting up with him, he looked up into the eyes of Victoria, who looked confused as well.
They stood there facing eachother with one wolf at each side.
Suddenly both Wolves howled yet again, golden sparkles surrounding the two.
After the lovely sparkles disappeared, Victoria looked down at her robe.
There placed underneath the Gryffindor emblem is the Head Girl badge.
Draco and Tori looked at eachother shocked, yet happy.
Although the two didn't get along that night was different, they gave eachother a congrats nod, both knowing that things would go back to normal tomorrow.
Everyone started clapping throught out the hall.
*this is a night to never forget* Tori thought to herself as she started petting the wolf next to her.
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