Rose of Despair


"Well if it isnt lover boy." Draco looked up angrily. It has been two weeks since he last saw
her. Two whole weeks, he hasnt got to hold her or hear
her voice.
Being minutes away from her was hard itself.
Yes people its called love!
Draco has turned his back on who he was destined to be,
one of them. Having no idea what to do with him, Lucius
Malfoy left his son to rot in the dark depts of the cave.

"Ahh the traitor shows herself." he mumbled looking at the ground.
"Traitor? Wasn't it you that changed sides for that pathetic bitch?"
Draco angrily tried to grab for the person but he was binded by chains
to the chair still, never having left it.
Mary stood above him and laughed.
"You're so pitiful." she sneered.
"What do you want Cortez?"
Walking around the chair Mary just stared at Draco, looking
so helpless as it was.
"You know they are talking of just getting rid of you, since you
have chosen sides."
"Let them kill me."
"But what would be a waste of precious power. You see Draco, I
have this certain fond of you."
Mary stood directly above him, looking at his blonde hair as he bent his
head to look away from her.
"Honestly Ive always kinda admired you, someone with such wit and
strenght over the others. Until I found out about you
and that whore, it tore me apart."
"Dont talk about her like that." he said through gritted teeth.
"Now now Draco. Let me continue." Mary said patting his head with a smile.
"Anyways, it tore me apart but I told myself that one day I will have you.
Now look, here you are alone with me." Mary smirked.
"Get away from me Cortez, you make me sick."
"Ahh such words when you are at my mercy."
"Mercy is one thing I'm not asking from you."
Mary places her hand on his head, gently gripping his hair. Bending down to
his level she stared at him. Draco being disgusted looked away in any possible
way he can. Mary grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her.
"Poor Draco. So blinded by love you are willing to face death."
"Get away from me."
"If you agree to be with me Draco I can have the Dark Lord
spare your life. Its an offer you know you shouldnt refuse."
Draco then opened his eyes to look at Mary who was a few inches away from him.
But when he opened his eyes he didnt see Mary, he saw someone else.
You all know who that person is.
Oh how he wished that the illusion of Tori was real, nothing
will ever change his mind about her. Not even death.
"Go rot in hell Cortez." he spat shoving his face away from hers.
Mary smiled, before forcing his lips onto hers. Almost immediately
as their lips touched Draco pulled away.
"I'll give you time to come around, after all I know
the real Draco Ive heard so much about is still in there.
To us love is just a spell that will disappear in time."
She leaned in to kiss him once more but he turned his head
as far away as possible.
With that done Mary got up, stared down at him then walked
out of the room.
Feeling disgusted Draco stared at the ground, sweat beginning to show.
"I am the real Draco."

Many miles away at Hogwarts, Tori and her friends were waiting for the
word, their que to start their mission. It has been over a week since
Tori had found out she was pregnant, and the father of the child
has been taken away from her. Tori is now three months along,
her mother did not want her pregnant daughter to go on the mission
but after arguing she has decided to let her go. The one thing that made
her have an ease of mind was that Professor Lupin will be the head of
Tori's mission.
Since Ginny was no longer in Harry's life, he refused to have her help.
One of the many things she promised to give him.
So she was left to stay at Hogwarts with no other choice.
But she wasn't the only that had to stay back from the missions.
Zack,Seamus, Taylor and Krystal were the unlucky ones that
was left with no other choice as well.
The missions were drafted by Proffesor Magonagal with
of course approval from the Headmaster.
They were split into three groups, all out to do
a certain mission that would help prepare them
seperately. I guess you can say their certain mission
was picked out to better prepare the seventh years.
Tori, Harry, and Tom were going with
Proffesor Lupin and one of the aurors to Ronzdrik.
A secret place that dark wizards train their
followers, their supporters.
Alice,Hermione,and Ron were to follow Proffesor
Magonagal and Proffesor Sprout, along with
two other aurors to Azkaban then to Romania.
Tristan and Blaise were to go with
Dumbledore, Snape, and Mad-eye Moody to
Kashing which was the farthest trip of all.
Their mission was special, they were going to
retrieve a certain blonde that had been taken
away two weeks ago ago. A recent fool of a follower
of the Dark Lord has said word of his whereabouts,
thanks to a very effective truth potion.
Tori wanted desperately to go with them but according to
Dumbledore its best that she go with the others.
Hogwarts wasn't completely abandon by its Proffesors,
Linda SinClair is now supstituting Potions and Tranfiguration.
Proffesor Flitwick is now teaching Herbology and his class
until Proffesor Sprout returns. Hagrid and Maddam Hootch
are pitching in their help, even a few friends of the Headmaster
have volunteered to give a helping hand.
Its coming, the one eventthe wizarding world has been preparing for.
Lives will be lost, many will be injured, survivors will
forever be scarred.
The war is near.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks to all those that have decided to subscribe! Special thanks for the awesome ones that
have commented! Please continue to comment!

Sorry that I have not been posting much, I have been without a laptop.