Rose of Despair

Please bring him back

The students watched the night sky from the top of the Astronomy.
All eager and a bit nervous for what layed ahead for them.
Then within seconds there it was, a blue ball of light
rising from the ground and flying way up into the sky.
"Be careful guys." Tori said looking to her friends
that surrounded her.
Then they gripped their brooms and got prepared. Soon the blue ball bursted
filling the sky with its bright beam.
The one by one the students flew up into the sky all heading
to their designated areas to meet up with the proffesors
and the aurors, who have gone ahead a bit to be sure that
it was at least a bit safe.
Tori watched as her friends split up once they were off the floor.
She looked down at her belly, gently rubbing it.
Soon it was just her and Tristan that was left to leave the school.
"Yeah Tori?"
"Please bring him back." she whispered before sending a
little smile for some comfort.
"Dont worry, Ill be sure to, for you and the little one."he smiled.
With that said the two then flew up and went their seperate
ways to catch up with the others that was in their group.
A matter of seconds and Tori was side by side with Tom
and Harry.
The reason also that these three was put together was because they
played a huge part in this war. All victims of what the
Dark Lord desired most. Also three innocent people
that just happened to have this as their destiny
with nothing to do but accept their fate.
After flying a few miles the three landed nearby
a house in the middle of nowhere, having an X on the
door, they knew this was their first stop.
Tom being the first to land in front of the door
held his wand to it and traced against the X.
The door gently opened, all three walked in.
"Good you made it ahead of time." a voice said from behind as the door
closed shut.
They turned to face Proffesor Lupin and the auror sent to help them.
"Believe its time to continue the mission."
Then they all walked out the door and flew into the sky.
Once each of them were away from the house, it bursted into flames
leaving no trace of evidence that they were there.
This was going to be one long night.
After hours have passed of flying Tori felt as if she cant wait
to place her feet on the ground and leave them there for a while.
And she was sure the other two felt the same, this has been their
longest broom ride. Freezing in the cold wind just hoping to catch their breath.
They all felt this but knew that
the real pain in the mission hasnt even begun.
If you thought this was hard, wait. Just wait till they reach
their destination.
"We shall stop soon, a few miles up is where we will rest." Lupin yelled
into the wind.
Those words were heaven to their ears.
Just as they were reaching their resting ground, it began to rain.
Tori being able to control it sent it in a different direction.
The cold rain though just made the air around them much more
colder, as if it wasnt freezing enough.
Tori can control the air and set it to calm down but she couldnt
control the temperature of it leaving them to huddle for warmth.
Thankfully the Proffesor set up a small fire while their auror
known at Vites left to secure the area.
"This is our time to eat, and only that. We must make it quick.
Many miles up is where we will stop and get some shut eye with
whatever time we have left."
"But sir, it will be braud daylight by the time we reach the
other resting spot."
"Yes, dark wizards dont do anything in daylight. They work in the night.
So as they rest we rest. When they work we work."
Later Mites returned with a satisfied expression, setting the
tension to an ease. They could eat in peace.
Hopefully the rest of the mission would be the same.

Many miles away Hermione, Ron, and Alice arrived at Azkaban. Meeting up
with Proffesor Magonagal and Proffesor Sprout there.
They were there to use the truth potion to get whatever information
from "His" followers. The dark eery feeling the Dementors set amongst the
area was more then what they could stand. Towers among towers stood side by side,
all filled with murderers, liars, and generally anything that was a treat to
the Wizarding world. Dementors everywhere, floating past.
This was definately far from what they imagine once they were told
of their certain mission. No wonder people go mad in here, this was
for sure a piece of hell on earth.
"Lets begin, shall we." Magonagal said before turning down on of the halls.
They followed, bundled together, all looking from left to right at the
criminals behind the magical bars.
Making eye contact was one of the many things you shouldnt do in Azkaban.
Because if you do, you just might see their whole life in their eyes, and
how they became the way they are. You'll be able too see the wrong path they have
taken, destroying the person they once were.
Hermione gripped onto Alice's cloak, not scared to say that she was
definately frightened. Ron placed his hand on her back, hopeing
to calm her down.
Soon Magonagal stopped in front of the one of the cells.
"Hello Barty Crouch Jr."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the late update
I have been without a computer

but dont worry, Ill be updating again soon, comment and tell me
about this chapter!
love you all!