Rose of Despair

The Rings

"Unless i grip the sword,
i cannot protect you.
while gripping the sword,
i cannot embrace you."
-bryan agapawa

Tori watched as the others slept,
evnying them. It has been a few hours
since she had her nightmare. Harry and Tom
suggested to stay awake with her because
she decided to not go back to sleep, but
Tori forced them to hit the sack. They looked
beat as it was. Mites would wake up every now
and then checking the perimeter, making sure
noone was watching Tori as she watched them.
She hated to admit it that she was exhausted,
but she knew she wouldnt dare to fall asleep.
As she watched the others sleep, the images of
her nightmare replayed itself over and over
in her head.
"It felt so real." she would whisper.
The bright sky was beginning to get darker
with each passing minute. Tori knew that soon
it would be time to wake the others, and that
their journey would continue.

With a sigh she thought of her other friends. If
they were safe. It hasnt been long since she last
saw them and she already misses them like crazy.
Although it didnt compare to the way she missed her
beloved Draco. Deep down she knew that he was fine,
but as each day passed they continued to juggle his life
in their hands. It all seemed so strange to her, how she
ended up like this, falling for someone she hated, having to
battle the most darkest wizard in history, finding
out that she contains the most amazing gift that
could just end the world, and still having
another gift of life growing within her.
"And all I wanted was a normal life." she giggled
to herself.
She looked up and smiled, the sun already gone to its rest,
its colorful rays of light soon to follow.
The others began to stur, Mites already rising from the ground.
Proffesor Lupin sat up with a disappointed look on his face.
"The ground doesnt fit as a lovely bed." he commented
before rising up also. Soon Mites and Lupin were joined
into a deep conversation, probably to talk about
whats gonna happen next.
Tori smiled and crawled over to where Harry
and Tom layed.
"Wakey wakey." she said gently shaking the two.
They ignored her just as she suspected. A grin soon
spread across her lips as she pulled out her wand.
Tori whispered an incantation, as she slowly backed away
the two sleepy heads.
Within a second the two flew up into the air,
showing complete shock and horror across their face.
That did it.
Tori was soon on the ground rolling with laughter,
making her the obvious culprit.
Tom soon joined her in the laughter, as Harry glared at her.
Then he took off his shirt and tried to squeeze as much water
out from it as possible.
Lupin and Mites shook their heads before continueing
their conversation.
"Victoria SinClair, you are asking for a deathwish."
Harry growled, making the other two laugh even harder.
This little stunt definatly eased the tension around them.
"Okay guys, time to get serious. We must head out now,
we have stalled long enough." The stern voice of the
ex-proffesor said looking at them. Immediatly everyone
put on their serious faces and followed to get their
brooms. Soon they were in the air, not having enough
time to have eaten something.
*soon* Tori would think. Soon all this would be over and
she would reunite with her Draco. Soon the war would come
to an end and everything would be different. Soon the
heavens would be expecting its newest angels, or hell would
open its gate to those of no souls. Tori bit her lip,
in deep hopes that Voldemort would soon join the pit of
hell and leave the world in peace.
Tori is not expecting a happily ever after, but she
would certainly be set as long as there was a future
for her loved ones. A future where her unborn child
will be safe, a world without its innocent life
having to be at stake.
It was completely pitch dark around them, being surprised
that Proffesor knew which way they were headed still.
The light of the moon didnt nothing to help, it left them
in nothing but darkness. Tori couldnt even see the others
figures in the dark, it was as if she was flying alone.
Anyone would have thought that they were alone, but they
talked to one another making sure that they werent.

As she held onto her broom, Tori felt something on her finger.
Looking down she soon smiled to herself. Knowing she couldnt
see it, she was glad it was still there.
Feeling the ring that Draco gave her as their anniversary gift,
the day her Phantom came back to her. That ring on her
finger was the link between the two other than their child, because
at this very moment Draco was wearing the exact same ring
but in a male version,without the diamond . The next day Tori took Draco to
get the matching ring as her anniversary present to him.
She made sure that when the ring was made part of it came
from the diamond on hers, uniting the two rings as one.
It felt that if the other person wasn't using the ring, they
wouldnt be connected somehow.
"Hey Tori." Tom asked, as he flew next to her.
His voice so low she barely heard him.
"When this is all over and we get back to Hogwarts,
will you have the house elves make me a triple layer
hot fudge icecream sundae with cheeries and alot oh whip cream?"
he asked, making her laugh.
"Why cant you ask them to make it yourself?"
"Because you owe me for the rude awakening."
Knowing that she was in his dept she agreed.
"Okay Tommy boy, one heaven sent sundae coming up."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks much for all the lovely comments, please continue with it!

I know most of you are waiting until Tori and Draco reunite, but please
be patient. The story does have a plot other than people falling in love
and I just really want to make this a story that you will all enjoy!
A story with meaning!

I will continue to update, as long as you continue to comment!