Rose of Despair

Getting Closer

What was just a few hours felt like days.
Tori looked around her, seeing nothing but clouds.
It was safer flying within the clouds seeing as they didn't want to
be spotted, Tori made very sure that there was enough clouds to
shield them.
As she prayed for everyones safety especially Draco's
she couldnt help but constantly think about the nightmare.
Relieved it wasnt real but still worried that it might
have meant something. Her thoughts continued to consume her
as they flew in the damp weather. One of her bad traits was
that she tended to over think, causing her to come up with horried
No trainning in the world would ever prepare her for seeing that
nightmare in real life. To be honest life its self just wouldnt
be worth it anymore.
Can you imagine the stress upon this certain individual?
Knowing her friends, family, and the most amazing guy to ever come
into her life are all in danger because she and two others
just HAD to posess an ancient power.
Tori would at times curse this very "gift" of hers.

"Almost there guys." the voice of the ex professor said, waking
Tori from her thoughts. For a second she completely forgot
about reality, and to be honest it felt great to get away from it for a bit.
Taking a glance at two of her friends she could see the fear deep
in their windows of the soul...their eyes.
They all knew that flying on their brooms in the blistering cold
was the easiest of the mission they have ahead of them.

Back at Hogwarts things were hectic!
Without their headmaster or two heads of house professors
as well as other main professors, students knew something was up.
Linda SinClair was just about ready to pull her hair out when a knock came to
her door.
"Come in." she said, fixing all the papers upon her desk.
"Have you heard anything new?" Taylor asked walking in, Krystal, Seamus,
and Zack right behind her.
With a sigh Linda looked up at them with worried eyes.
"Those with Professor McGonagal are on their way to their other destination,
after recieving certain information from Barty Crouch Jr. Professor Lupin
recently sent word that things are ok." she mumbled.
"What? okay?! thats all he has to say?" Taylor nearly yelled.
"He wanted to keep it brief, didnt want to say to much seeing as
information could find itself else where."
"What about Professor Dumbledore?" asked Krystal.
Linda looked at her sadly.
"No my word yet."
The students all looked disappointed, all expecting different
news than what they recieved.
"You know Ms.SinClair, there is alot of talk around the school." Zack
"Yes Im aware of their rumors dear, but I rather not bother too much
with it seeing as we all have much more important things to be doing."
"Krystal, how is your healing trainning going?"
"Very well Ms. SinClair, according to Madam Promfrey I am well preapred
and skilled for my age."
"Thats great and are you all still going to be there for training tonight?"
All four of then nodded.
Linda looked at them, with a small smile peeking at them. She was so amazed
to see students with such bravery and confidence.
"Thank you all for everything that you have done." Linda whispered.
" You shouldnt thank us, we are here for the same reasons as your daughter and the
others." Taylor said.
"We accept our destiny, and its not only their war but ALL of ours." Seamus finished.
Having her first big smile that day, Linda SinClair rose from her desk with much
confidence, which sad to say she has been lacking due to worrying and stress.
"See you all tonight then." she said.

Far away from all of them Tristan, Blaise and the three Professors were
making their way through a cave that is said to be the entrance to where Draco
is being hidden. Unfortunately they were pretty exhausted seeing as
they never stopped to
rest every since they left the school grounds. Nor have they eaten.
As they walked through the cave, none of them even dared to make a noise,
not even Mad-eyed Moody
and his cane. I bet you are probably wondering how they even communicate.
Well you see how in school they are trained to say spells
with their minds? Its pretty similar.
Although only the three professors were skilled enough to speak
through their minds, Blaise and Tristan
still hear everything they say, they just cant say anything back.
Plus its not like
they even had anything to say, probably still worried about their mission.
It was not an easy task finding this cave. For the past couple of days
they had been in a
total of three battles with death eaters. Thankfully none of them
were smart enough to
warn the dark lord, and also thanks to the truth serum, the group was
able to contain more
information on the dark lord, dracos exact whereabouts, and certain important information.

Dumbledore prefered not to give word back to Hogwarts due to the fact that
it was best not to have interferrance with the information.
Although Dumbledore has been very busy with their mission, he had been careful
to pray for the others back at Hogwarts and those on their own dangerous missions.
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here is an update for my lovely readers!
dont forget to comment and rate it!!
thanks <3