Rose of Despair

Stay strong

"Never give up without giving in.
Hold on to everything that still holds hope.
Be less of what they want you to be and
be more of what the beating in your chest tells you too..."

It has been days since Draco has eaten anything,
his father making sure of that. He was fed scraps
of whatever they did not want. All in all, it has
already been a few weeks without Tori, and
the sadness of it all was he was losing hope.
Lucius Malfoy has given up on that traitor he
once called son, and decided he should rot in the
pits of their hideout.
"If only you listened to me my dear." Mary's sinister voice said.
Draco to weak to even look up at her mumbled, "never."
Mary has been to visit Draco everyday that
he is in captivity,
practically begging him to reconsider.
"You think that bitch cares about you? Apparently not!
She has left you to rot!"
"Nothing you say would ever change my mind Cortez!"
"Can I ask you a question? What even made you change your ways?"
Draco trying to find all the strength to
look at her in the eyes,
making sure she understands this time.
"Victoria." he managed to say with a big smile,
before looking back down onto the ground which
he has been staring at for days.
"Well if you believe so much in your little whore
there is something you should know."
Mary then leaned in very close into his ear to whisper something.
The hair on Draco's neck instantly rose.
Afterwards Mary left the room leaving Draco to
vanish in his thoughts.
*It cant be! How is it possible?!* he thought.

Tom stood there staring at the girl he cares about
knowing she is only thinking about her lover.
The group had stopped to rest
for an hour after flying all day. Before they
reached another landing ground
Mites found a group of deatheathers, and soon a battle broke out.
Harry in the end dislocated his shoulder and Tori
had a broken rib after
both flew hard into the boulder behind them. Lupin
and Mites were able to kill
those deatheaters but after being slightly injured themselves.
Thankfully Lupin was able to say a spell that fixed
Harry's shoulder and Tori's rid.
Although he healed them, it would take a few days to
completely heal, leaving them
sore and bruised.
While the fire continued to burn keeping them warm,
Tom stood a few feet away
from Tori staring at her. Deep down he knew how much he cared for her
but would never admit it nor would he ever do anything about it.
He knows she loves Draco
and he felt somewhat at ease knowing that Draco is a good guy and
would treat her right.
"You okay Tori?" Tom asked after taking a seat next to her.
"Not really, its just all this pain is making me lose concentration,
I cant focus anymore."
she whispered.
Tori then reached her right hand towards the sky, it slowly
began to rain and if you
focus really closely you can see bits of light hidden behind the clouds.
"I can barely control lightning, the rain is the easiest because
im always sad. Even my own
element I cant focus on." she mumbled.
"Tori no matter the situation, you need to clear your mind of pain.
To be honest
just think of moments when you are the happiest. The deep
emotion would help
you concentrate more than hoping something would happen...for example."
Tom reached both arms into the sky and closed his eyes. Soon the
rain around them stopped
slightly, but everyone would still feel bits of it hitting their cold skin.
Tori and Tom has a deeper connection especially when it came to their elements.
Tori can make it rain, but she cant control it only decides when
it comes and goes. Tom
on the other hand controls water or in this case the rain,
but he has only learned to control
water thats around him, never to be able to produce it.
Hopefully one day he would be able to make
it rain, seeing as thats the only way to make sure water
is always around him.
"See how its still sprinkling a little?" Tom asked.
"Well thats because I was only able to move the rain to poar around us not on us,
plus I was thinking of
something sad, something that bothered me. What I need
to think about it something that makes me very happy."
Next Tom moved his hands in certain motions and the rain
around them suddenly started rising and
began to push together creating one huge ball of water.
Tori began to smile, also everyone else around them.
"Tori, all you were taught was to fully concentrate on
how to control your element. You
need to understand that its a part of you completely! Wether your happy or sad, your
element is yours!" Tom told her, with a big smile.
Giving a smirk, Tori reached both arms into the sky and stood up.
She began to think of her friends, laughing and joking around.
A certain memory consumed her thoughts that made her laugh.
Phantom and Draco were racing around the quidditch pitch.
Her friends stood there watching and teasing like they always do.
Tori looked around at each and every
one of them, capturing this moment. She looked at her friends who were
laughing and joking around with one
another, talking about relationships and life. She then looked towards
phantom and her lover. She
giggled seeing that Draco was breathing hard and Phantom looked unfazed,
jumping around Draco
as if trying to encourage him to continue racing. Draco then looked up
at Tori, and smiled.
The two stared at eachother, having a thousand of happy feelings without even
needing to say one.
The reason why Tori enjoyed that memory so much was because even though they knew
that a war is near, that lives would be lost, and that people would suffer, nothing
would ever truly tear this group apart. They will always be connected through
the love they share with eachother.
"Wow Tori." Harry said, making Tori open her eyes.
Looking up they all saw lighting everywhere as if dancing to a song, lighting up
the darkness and looking so amazing.
"Good job." Lupin whispered.
The group didnt need to worry if anyone would see them, from what it looked like if
anything was a huge thunder storm about to hit.
Tom decided to join in and started making little water balls from
the rain that Tori
provided and began to throw it at harry. Lupin and Mites stood
there laughing before
water balls soon began to hit them.
This moment right here, is the one of the reasons why Tori believes
everything would be all right. Because no matter the situation,
happiness is in the hearts of everyone.
The few minutes of fun began to die down due to the fact that
Lupin wanted everyone to
get some rest before they once again leave and head to their final destination.
"The moment of truth is a within a few hours guys, get some rest."
Lupin said before
starting a deep discussion with Mites.
Tori and the two boys looked at one another, small smiles peeking at eachother.
"Hang in there guys....soon this would all be over." Harry told them,
before they dozed of to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another chapter update!
I hope you all understand the moral of the chapter and feel
free to comment and let me know!

I adore comments and ratings <3