Rose of Despair

Small hope in a tragic cause

Another two weeks have passed and the group
got much closer to their final destination.
They would have been there already but
got word from Hogwarts that the Dark
Lord was on the move, ordering them
to stay in one place for a few days,
definately causing them some wasted
time. By now Tori is four and a half
months pregnant, and it was getting
pretty obvious, even if her belly
was covered from her massive cloak.
At night before she would fall asleep,
she would gently rub her belly, and
recently she began talking to it.

"Don't worry little one, Mommy is
right here." she would say with a
beautiful smile on her face. Every now
and then, she would cry silently. Praying
seemed to be the only thing that kept
her going on.

"Daddy is a little busy right now,
but I bet he is going to be very happy
to meet you." she whispered as she tried
her best to hold back tears.
So many thoughts have entered her mind,
making her cry much more. Her fear is to
welcome this unborn child into a world
of war, and pain. Although everyone she knew
still held happiness in their hearts, it
still broke hers, knowing that things might
not have a happy ending. Being so young and
pregnant, scared the witch the most. It was
as if life itself is telling her to hurry
up and live life before it is too late.

Tori then felt a hand gently grip
her shoulder, startling her.

"No need to cry Tori."

Tori gave a weak smile at Harry as he placed
himself next to her.

"I thought you were sleeping, sorry
if I woke you." she said, without looking
at him.

"Oh no you didn't, I woke up sensing
something was wrong, and here you are."
he told her giving her a comforting smile and

"I am just scared that my baby will
not be able to enjoy life, at the rate
things are going." she said, giving into
her tears, and crying a little harder on

"Tori, you give yourself little
credit. I know that you will make sure
that your child is going to be safe, and
trust me when I say, any of us will give up
our lives making sure of it. We love you."
he whispered and she cried into his chest,
his hand rubbing her back.

"Please Harry, promise me that you
will kill Voldemort." she said cursing
the very person for all their problems.

"I swear on my life, I will not die before

That alone make Tori feel at ease, and from
the gentle kick in her belly, she knew
her baby also felt relaxed.

"Tori I think it is best if you return back to
the school, it can get too dangerous for you." Harry
said making Tori release from his hug and looked
at him confused.

"Why would you want me to go back,now that we
are so close?"

"I am just worried for you, although we don't
have the best past together, I want to
make sure that we all still have a future.
With you carrying this precious one, I
don't want you to risk both of your lives."

"Harry, I need to be there. If I leave now,
then it would have been just pointless
for me to even have left in the beginning."

"I understand, but I did not realize that
we would still be doing this mission
for so long, and we still have nothing!"

"Lupin said tomorrow we will be
there, it is just a few more miles
up ahead. I can't turn back now Harry."
she said stubbornly, making Harry smile.

"I am not leaving." she said firmly.
With a worried nod, Harry looked down
and gave a gentle rub on Tori's stomach.

"Sure is growing." he said with a smile,
making Tori smile.

"Yeah, I still can't believe I'm
pregnant, its like reality didn't hit
me yet."

"Believe me when you start pushing,
I'm sure reality is going to knock
the wind right out of you."

Tori couldn't help but laugh.
For another few minutes, the
two exes continued to talk,
Harry mentioned about how
he is sorry for cheating on
her but in a way not so sorry,
for Tori would have never been with
her true love, Draco. Tori smiled
deeply at her friend, glad that
the their drama was over.

Hundreds of miles away, Draco
sat in that chair, weak and
on the verge of passing out for the
third time that day. Having no food
nor water, he looked really sick.
He began having cold sweats, and his
lips were chappy from the lack of
hydration. Suddenly he heard a
pop from behind him, although not
really caring who it was.

"Oh my goodness Draco!" a high pitched
voice said. In reality Draco
thought he was dreaming as he weakly
looked up at the person.
Standing in front of him, was his very
worried and sad mother, looking as if
she was about to cry any second now at the
view of her weak and dying son.
Immediately, she reached into the basket
she brought and tilted his head slightly
backwards and began poaring water into
his dry mouth.
Narcissa was completely frightened as she
held her son's head, begging his body to take
in as much water as he needed. For the next
hour and a half, Narcissa fed her son and gave
him so much water. She then took out her
wand and began trying to heal his body,
in hopes that he doesn't get anymore sick
from the lack of nutrients. She tried her
best to heal his body inside, and decided
not to heal the cuts and bruises on his face,
not wanting to make it too suspicious
that she was there, helping him.
Narcissa couldn't help but tear up alittle, in front
of her she saw her sad, helpless son, but to
them they saw a worthless traitor.

"Why my dear? Why must you let them
torture you this way." She mumbled,
as she tried to force another piece of
bread into his mouth.
"I her." was all he managed to say.
Narcissa shook her head sadly, as she continued
to try and help her only sons life.
Suddenly they heard a crashing noise outside
the door. Immediately Narcissa grabbed her things,
kissed her son telling him she will be back, and
apparated out of his cell.
Draco knew that his body is going to need time
to digest all the food, but at the moment
he still felt weak.
Soon the door opened reavealing two
death eaters, dragging something behind them.
Draco's eyes went wide and they dragged in
a little blonde haired girl, who looked to be
about seven years old. The death eaters took her to
the side of room, and changed her leg to the wall,
giving only six inches of chain from her leg to the
wall. She stared at the hooded figures, more
tears stainning her face.
"Please, I wanna go home." her soft and helpless
voice said. Ignoring her, the death eaters
went to look at Draco, probably to check if he had
died yet. Realizing that he is still breathing,
they left the cell, leaving both innocent
souls to rot.
As soon as they left the room, the girl began to
cry once again, pulling hard against the chain
that held her captive.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked, looking at her
sadly. Inside it hurt him, seeing such a little
girl being held against her will, especially
knowing that she is innocent.
"I just want to go home."

"Well we both can't leave yet." Draco
said trying his best to comfort the little
frightened girl.

"I want my brother, please sir!
I need my brother." The little one said crying
even harder.

"Shh, Its okay. I'm here, don't
worry I won't let anybody hurt you." The soft
gentle voice of Draco said.

The little girl looked up at him, her sad forest
green eyes started back at him, not sure if he is a bad
guy or if she should trust him. But as she stared at
Draco, she couldn't help but feel better, feel safe.
Something about him made her feel protected, it is
probably because he tried to comfort her the same
way her older brother would.

"Promise?" she asked, her voice cracking

"I promise." he whispered, smiling at her.

That moment although Draco knew it would be
tough, he knew in his heart that he would
try to protect the little innocent girl.
The more he thought about it, the more it
infuriated him that the Dark Lord would
try to hurt someone so young and

"What's your name?" He asked, trying
to make her feel at ease.

"Well Raven calls me Hissy, but my mommy
and daddy call me Tory." she replied.

Draco's heart was beating fast as she said
her name, instantly making him think
of his beloved Victoria.
Tory looked at Draco confused, noticing
the change of expressions.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, don't worry."

Feeling as if it is okay the little
blonde continued, "Well in reality my
parents named me History Ann, but please
don't call me that! I hate that name.
Just call me Tory." she said smiling
at her new friend.

Although strange as it may be, Draco
took this as a sign. A sign that
the love of his life is still
out there and trying her best to
find a way back to him. This little
girl alone, gave him hope again.

Draco smiled at Tory and said,
"My name is Draco. So it looks like
we both have unique names."

Little Tory smiled at him and nodded.
With every minute that passed, she seemed
to ease up a little more, no longer
finding Draco as a threat to her. Within
moments she was rambling on about
her life, and her friends.
Draco couldn't help but smile,
enjoying the company and glad
that for this moment, things are okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update for my awesome readers!
I would like to thank H_chachi_U, Chel-ski, blueskittles, and autumn_08
for their lovely comments!! Please continue and let me know how you feel about this chapter!

I would also like if you all commented about a specific part that you like in the story.
heres one of my favorite parts :

When Draco met up with Tori in the hospital wing, and for their anniversary she
bought her a vow ring and also brought her dog phantom back to her.

I really love that chapter because the act of love behind it all, and the words that
he said to her! <3!

Now its your turn to comment about which part you loved the most!! Thanks!