Rose of Despair

Broken News

"Draco, you know I love you right?" Tori's soft whisper
brought Draco back to reality.
"Of course I know you do, if anything I probably
knew you did before you." he said kissing her
forehead with his arm still snaked around her
shoulders as they both layed in bed. At this very
moment the two lovers layed in Tori's bed,
cuddling up close to one another.
Tonight was the first night that
they both took their relationship to a new level.
After they had made love, neither one regretted
a moment of it. The pure pleasure of
having to hold one another afterwards made
the thier passion grow more. Draco looked down
at Tori as she closed her eyes with a smile on her
lips. He too coul'dn't help himself, and smiled.
Tonight was perfect, and with the love of his life
in his arms in the end was more than he could
ask her. Before when he did such acts with other
girls, not one stayed behind after they were done.
None of them shared the passion and love that he
does with Tori, the past with them was just merely
As Tori layed in his arms, with her eyes closed,
Draco found himself no longer thinking about the past
but about the future with this girl. The ice around his heart,
has melted long ago, and as much as he would hate to
admit, Tori made it melt a few years back.

Today is the day that Tori and her
group have been waiting for. It truely has
been quite a long journey but for the sake
of the wizarding world, they must go
through with it. Innocent lives are at risk,
but thanks to a certain group of brave hearts,
there may be a chance of life afterwards.

Tom, Harry, and Tori all stood in a line,
staring at the once Hogwarts Proffessor
as he stared back at them. The darkness that
surrounded them seemed to taunt them, giving
each of them the sense of worry.At this very moment,
Proffesor Lupin is going to reveal the purpose
of their mission. For the past few weeks, the
Hogwarts students knew nothing of their mission,
or their destination. Now is the time, that
the precious information will be known to all
in the group.

"It is time that you three will find out
why you are risking your life to complete
this mission. The news about this mission
has sent a shock to the others but we are
here for a reason. Having you three with me
has been a weight on my shoulders, for if anything
was to happen to any of you, I will be to blame.
Each of you hold something special to world,
and having the responsibility of watching over
you for this mission has not been easy, but
trust me when I say..." Lupin paused,
as he continued to stare each one down. He can sense
their nerves, as if was bursting out through their skin.

"I will not have it any other way." He finished, before
sending a glance towards Mites. With a nod, Mites stepped
forward and probably for the first time, spoke to the
three teenagers.

"We are all aware that there are three Quansintadors.
For the first time in history, such rare beings
have graced us with their presence all at once, but understand
that these powerful ones are here for a reason. That reason
being this war that will eventually seal our fate." Mites
said not daring to let them know that he too is worried
about their mission.

Tori looked from her ex Proffessor to the auror,feeling tense
she noticed that the big news was about to come. Taking a quick
glance to the other two boys, who stared straight ahead, both
of them eager to hear what they have been waiting for.

"There is a forth Quansintador." Mites stated and paused,
as if looking for their reactions, and just as he suspected,
saddness was written all over their faces. A forth Quan meant
more problems and the reality that this is going to be the
most important war in the history of mankind. Having one Quan
grace the earth was enough to send the world into a state of
awe and wonder, but having four meant that now all the elemental
gods are in the world, and their reason is the assurance
of the life within it.

"His name is Raven Stone, and as you all might
have guessed, he posses the power of fire. You three
are here to help us find a way to get Raven to come with us.
You all have accepted your fate, but he hasn't. He is unaware
of the true powers that are burning through his veins and
without you three there is no possible way that he will
join us. His house is noted to be a quarter of a mile from
here." Mites finished, trying hard not to venture more into
his speech as there are much more important terms at hand.

"Fire?" the whisper of Tori's voice caught the attention
of the others, as they watched her stare down at her belly.

"We must leave, the fast we get there, the sooner we can
return home." Lupin said stepping forward, although
Tori continued to just look down with sadness.

Her fear for her life was of no more importance,
and the life of her child was the only reason that scared
her. Her precious growing unborn child is the reason
why her heart was breaking at this moment. Tori stood
there praying for the safety of her baby, hopeing that
this gift of her life will have its chance at the world.
Tom's hand linked onto hers, bringing her attention back.
With a comforting smile, Tom pulled her forward and soon
they followed Lupin and Mites into the forest in front
of them. Tom and Harry felt as if they had to be strong
for Tori, seeing that this is the most vulnerable state
she can be in. The group have walked for a while before
finally coming across a small town in the middle of the forest.
With a deep breath, Lupin stepped forward into the darkness
of the town. Something about it sent suspisions to him,
and as if noticing the eery feel as well, Mites looked at
his with an eye brow raised. What they were expecting
was a town full of people, laughter and joy ringing through
the woods, but for some reason what laid out in front of
them was not the scene they were expecting.
The town looked dark and deserted, it held no
hint of happiness most places would have.

"Stay close, something is not right." Lupin
whispered, pulling his wand out from within his
cloak. Lupin's words brought confusing to the three,
and immediately they all huddled closer to Lupin.

It was obvious, death itself snaked its way
through this town, leaving it dark and gloomy.
As they made their way through the paths leading
from house to house, they soon stood in front
of a beatened abandoned house.

"Professor?" Harry whispered, seeing the
confusion on Lupin's face as he stared in
shock at the destroyed house before them.
Lupin said nothing and stepped forward to the
door. It hung loosely on its hindges, and
obvious sign of a forced entry.

Lupin held his wand to the door and pushed it slightly,
its screeching creak noise echoed through the house.

"Lumos." Mites whispered, immediately the light
at the tip of his wand egnighted.

Tori let out a gasp before stepping back
into Tom's body. Tom quickly put a hand on
her shoulder as if silently telling her to
be strong.

As soon as Mites lit up the house, horror struck
them all as they witness a lifeless body
decaying near the front door, its eyes
wide open staring back at them. Laying in
front of them was man, dead and cold.

Lupin quickly then rushed into the house,
soon followed by Mites. The three students
remained outside, not knowing if they
should follow or continue to stare at the
lifeless corpse. A minute has passed and Tori
decided to step forward into the house, not taking her
eyes off of the dead man on the ground. She too lit
her wand to shine light into the house. They slowly
ventured into the house, breaking their glances away
from the man and heading in to find Lupin and Mites.
The inside of the house was a wrek, everything
either toppled over on its side or broken with
its peices laying everywhere. Picture frames
hung loosly on the walls, with what appeared to be
blood stains dripping down.
Tori held a firm grip on Tom's cloak as she gently pulled
further into the house, with Harry right behind them.

"Hes gone." Lupin's voice said from behind them,
startling them.
The look on Lupin's face read complete distress and

A sudden creak in the floor made them point
their wands in its direction. The light from
Tori's wand showed movement on the ground.
Suddenly a figure crawled towards them,
the edges of the light showing the person, and making
Tori jump back with a small scream.
Lupin quickly rushed passed Tori and knelt down
to the ground.

Laying there on the floor was a woman who looked to
be about Tori's mothers age, blood dripping from her
forehead. The woman held her hand towards them, as
if silently begging them for help. Tori quickly
recognized her as the lady in the photos that
hung on the wall.

"My babies." she whispered and Lupin looked sadly at her,
gently placing his hand in hers.

"Mrs. Stone what happened?" Lupin asked,
giving her hand a gentle rub. The fearful look
in her eyes transfered from Tori to Lupin.

"He has my babies." she whispered to him, her voice

It suddenly became obvious as to what has happened
here. Choas came and lives were lost in this innocent
town, and there is only one reason.

"Mites! Get in here!" Lupin yelled, no longer
finding the reason to stay quiet. Almost immediately
Mites came into view and as soon as he saw the
woman, fear flickered in his eyes.

"We must send her to St. Mungos." Lupin
said as he tried desperately to pick up the
helpless lady. She screamed out in pain, making
Lupin put her back gently on the floor.

"I can apparate her there!" Mites said quickly
taking her arm and placing it around his shoulder.
Lupin stared at the woman, his heart beating faster.

"Its too late." he whispered before falling back
on to ground, trying hard to avert his eyes
from the lady. Mites looked at him confused before
turning his attention to the lady. Pain suddenly
boiled within him as he noticed as well that
it was too late.

Tori couldn't take it and turned away only
to bury her face into Tom's chest, silently
crying. Tom held her tightly, finding it hard
himself not to break down. Tom and Harry
stared at the ground, both sad and furious
that such a thing has happened, all on
account of Voldemort.

Mites gently then places the now lifeless
body of Mrs. Stone back onto the ground.
Her eyes closed, but it still held the
tear stains. Although he knew she was gone,
Mites continued to hold onto her hand.
Silence then creeped in and made the group
feel more tension. After a few mintues Lupin
got up from the group before taking a porcelain
doll and throwing it to the wall in rage.

"That is why he was on the move! Voldemort
knew about Raven and quickly came here! When
we were told to stay in one spot for a few days
because he was on the move, he was busy here taking
lives!" Lupin yelled angrily, his face flustered
with hate.

"How could I have not seen it! We were told that
he was around the area and that is why we stayed
back in Prags! I should have known!" he continued
to yell, getting more furious as he glanced down
at the dead body.
Tori tried to disappear herself deeper into
Tom's cloak.

They came all this way, leaving their family and
friends to end up with nothing, only to witness
Voldemorts cruel merciless antics. Innocent people
were dropping left and right like flies as Voldemort
and his minions tortured them not caring whatsoever.
Now there are lifeless bodies all through the town
and now the reason as to why they are there is not
even in their grasps. Raven Stone has been taken away
by Voldemort and that caused more problems for
everyone, seeing as now he held to Quans.

"Lets get back and quickly inform the others."
Lupin's bitter voice said before striding out of the
house and back onto the deserted streets. Mites gave
one last gentle squeeze to the womans hand before getting up
and following Lupin. Tori looked down, with her own tear
stained face and nearly broke down again as she saw
the pain in the woman's face.
Tori could not get her words out of her head.

"My babies, he took my babies." continued to echo
through her heard.
With a tug from Tom and Harry, Tori held onto
them and followed. They will finally be returning
home with nothing but a horrid memory of their journey.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey there my lovelies! Sorry for the late
update but I hope you all have not given up on me!

Rose of Despair is not dead! here is another chapter
to show for it.

Also I most likely be posting up another Draco love story but I am looking
for another author as well, and I know that I am probably adding more to my plate
but its something I want to do, if interested let me know and in the end I will choose only one,
after reading some of your stories!

Dont forget to comment and rate! thanks!