Rose of Despair

Another letter


"I totally knew you were going be head girl!" Taylor shrieked, as they layed in bed that night.
"Im sure." Tori said, eyebrow raised.
"Okay I thought Herms would but when I saw that she made prefect you were my next choice!" Taylor said making her friend laugh.
"Gee love ya too Taylor!" came the reply.
"The weird thing is that you and Malfoy actually looked civilized tonight."
"Yeah probably cause Professors were there."
"Probably, anyways, hows the love boat?" Taylor asked nudging her with her elbow giving a funny look.
Laughing Tori said," Its going great!"
After saying that she thought deep to herself drowning out her friend as she continued to awe at Tori's relationship.
You were happy with Harry right? *ha! what kind of stupid question is that?* Tori thought to herself.
*Harry is everything I want, nothing more nothing less.* Tori reassured herself with a smile on her face, thinking of the times she spent with him over the summer.
"Aww someone is thinking of Mr. Potter!!" Taylor said is a girly voice, Tori threw a pillow at the which she dodged, so quickly she threw another one catching her by surprise.
For a while the two engaged in a huge pillow fight only to interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Mione, uhh why were you knocking?" Tori asked once she walked in.
She looked at Tori confused before answering,"I honestly dont know."
"Wow are you sure they made a right choice making you prefect?" Taylor joked, making Hermione laugh.
"I dont think..." Hermione was cut off as Tori hit the back of her head with her pillow.
Turning slowly to Tori, glaring a bit, Tori displayed an innocent look which she didn't fall for. Summoning a much larger pillow she smiled at her evily, making Tori gulp.
"Oh I bet Ron likes it fiesty!" Tori said aloud, making the other two laugh.
Once again they all were engaged in a much larger pillow fight....(due to Mione's pillow)

A while later all three layed on different areas of the room, Taylor on the floor, Mione on the couch and Tori spread out on all three beds, pushing it together sometime during the fight. They all were breathing hard, too tired to make another hit.
Calming down a bit they all jumped as a knock hit their window.
Being the closest one to the window Tori got up, complaining.
Placing your eyes upon a honey brown owl, she let it in, although staring at it confused.
The owl landed on her bed, holding out her leg.
Taking the letter in hand the owl flew off before Hermione could give it a thank you snack.

" Congrats on making head girl, there is no other person that would fit the position as much as you are. So im guessing that we are going to be around eachother alot, doing duties and what not, so I hope that you werent thinking differently when I said that I wanted to be your friend still. Hogwarts would be chaos if we didnt get along, so let me know what you think......"
Head boy
Draco Malfoy
♠ ♠ ♠
So let me know what you Raelien