Rose of Despair

First day of classes


"Hey cutie!" a soft whisper caught Tori's attention.
Looking bringing a smile to her face.
After planting a small kiss on her lips Harry sat down next to her, putting food on his plate. Soon enough everyone started to join, Tori and Hermione sent a few worried glances at one another.
"So classes!" Taylor said non-excitedly.
Everyone groaned all except Hermione and Alice of course.
Tori was pretty satisfied with her classes, most of them with her friends.
With a look at her watch Krystal stood saying, "Sorry but I have to get there early, want to get a good seat in History of Magic."
They all said their goodbyes as classes were about to start.
Hermione, Taylor, and Tori all headed to double Herbology.
Although it might not seem like the best choice of a class, all three of them enjoyed the bubbly company of Professor Sprout.
"Ah well if it isnt great to see all three of you again." Professor said smiling as the students filed into the greenhouse.
"Great to see you too Professor, hows your summer?" Taylor asked.
"Splendid!" she replied.
"So who are we having class with?" Hermione asked placing her bag on a desk, looking around she only saw about four other Gryffindors.
"Hmm, ahh your fellow Slytherins." Proffesor Sprout said happily placing the sheet on her desk.
"Figured." Tori said to herself.
"Why would Slytherins sign up for double herbology?" Taylor asked confused.
Tori and Hermione shook their head confused as well.
Soon enough about six very disturbed looking Slytherins came into the room.
"You got to be kidding me." Hermione said.
"What mud....Granger, not happy to see me?" Malfoy said before taking a seat at the back of the three girls seeing as it was the only seats available, Casey and Pansy on either side of him. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle seperated from them and sat behind them, Profossor conjuring another table.
"Well, this is going to be an interesting year." All three girls said annoyed.

"Can you believe Parkinson had no idea what a petunia sizzler is, thats like second year stuff!!" Talyor said irritated as the class finally ended and they headed to their next class.
"Hmm, either of you have double potions?" Tori asked looking at her schedule.
"Sorry deary I have double History of magic with Ron and Harry, we are having classes with Ravenclaws so most likely Alice will be there." Taylor said smiling.
"I've got double Transfiguration with Hufflepuffs." Hermione said.
"what?! but I could have sworn I checked everyones schedual making sure I had a friend in all my classes! Why must it be Potions, double as a matter of fact!" Tori said annoyed taking another look at the stupid sheet of paper that would lead her to her fate.
"Sorry hun, but I've got to go this way, see ya on lunch." Taylor said seperating from you two.
"Tell Harry...."
"Yeah yeah I know." Taylor said cutting her off, making her smile.
Soon enough Tori had to part from Hermione as she headed up the stairs.
Tori stood there, taking a deep breath before placing her hand on the knob.
"It cant be that bad, its just Snape, and none of your friends." Tori said opening the door.
Tori paused mouth open.
*but with Slytherins!!!!* Tori thought glancing at about 20 snickering people in green.
*she is here." he thought as he saw her standing at the door with her jaw open.
"She is so beautiful." he whispered softly to himself.
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