Don't Let This Carry on Too Long

can you feel your heartbeat racing? can you feel the tension rise?

Whay, there was that thing again. Another fucking mistake you can add to my collection. Wait until the twats on the internet get a load of this, everyone will want a piece of Ian. "Oh boys, there's Ian Watkins, he fights random junkies, let's see what he's made of!" - Ha! I can only imagine.

The pain I was feeling at the moment was intense. My face throbbed, my stomach felt like it was about to fall out my arse any second now, and my hand stung like fuck from punching the wall and that twat that just collapsed.
My face said it all. As vulnerable as vulnerable can get. They were gonna have their fun now.

So many fists collided with my already excruciatingly painful face, their teeth sunk deep into my flesh, their nails clawed at my neck, grasping with every force within their bodies. Their feet constantly lashing out at my weakened stomach. I was pinned against a wall by their powerful grips. I couldn't move. Just cry. Just scream. Just hope.

My vision was beginning to blur, I knew I could only take another few beatings. My head began to drop. And suddenly I was released from their grip, my body crashed to the floor, I didn't bother trying to move, I thought they might have a bit of decency as to feel I was already in enough of a mess. Their voices began to muffle, occasionally their haunting laughs ringing in my ears, making me sick with thought. I lay on my back, gripping at my limbs, in pain, bringing up the contents of my stomach all over myself. I just didn't care anymore, they let me know my place in society. I was nothing. I continued sobbing and retching until I could feel their presence once again. They stood over me, watching me suffer. Watching my every movement, like vultures.

I could hear screams in what seemed like the distance, drowning out and then becoming more powerful. They weren't mine, at least I didn't think they were. They sounded like a young feminine cry, a piercing shriek, that no man, no matter how gay could produce.

"Alright gayboy, you do as we say, and you can fuck off home to your lover. Understood?" A foot leaned hard on my ribs, crushing them more in every hatred word that he spoke.
I nodded, tears blurring my vision even more. That's all I wanted, was to go home. If they let me go home, I would do almost anything.
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i really enjoyed this chapter! :]
you can probably guess what happens next, it will get a bit gross in the next chapter, but it shows ian in a state no-one has before.
keep reading and commenting pleeeaaasseee. n_n