Don't Let This Carry on Too Long

my scarred hands sustain in these two nails.

I was hauled up off the flooded ground, I screamed in pain. They found this amusing, I knew it. I was their ragdoll, they could do whatever they wanted with me, and they did. My ear-piercing cries continued, blood dripping from every pore visible to the naked eye. I felt like what could only be described as "close to death", and all I could think is "Hurry up". I was slowly draining of every last bit of energy I had, if only the people who were quick to slate me could see me now, they would lick their lips at the sight of Ian Watkins being pushed around, being taken advantage of, me being the victim instead of being the culprit.

"Do it again" the others jeered. Their cruel laughs mocking my weakening signals for help. Help that I wasn't going to get.
"Make him cry again Dave, I love the little face he pulls" "Aw, don't cry gayboy, you'll ruin your make-up" all these careless and hurtful remarks were being spat in my face by these people.
"No no, we'll make him cry later, right now he needs to save whatever energy he's got" the guy holding me implied, in the most nauseating and foul tone possible.
I managed to speak up, all I could force out was a whisper. My teeth and jaw ached ferociously with every word. "What are you gonna do, t-t-to me?" Blood flowing from my mouth as I spoke.

I could hear those cries again, the ones that stunned me earlier. An abnormally large gang member stepped foward holding a young, innocent girl no more than 17. Tears staining her cheeks, I stared at her, she was so helpless, like me. Her eyes were filled with sorrow, pleading for mercy as she struggled against the giant's grip.
"You know what to do" another nauseating comment from my capturer as he whispered his grotesque words into my ear.
I shook with fear. I knew what he meant by his words. I knew that he would make me do this. I pleaded with him, crying, sobbing and choking on my words "please, no, don't make me do this" I couldn't. She was such a young girl, probably coming back from a friends or a boyfriends house, I took one look at her before breaking into further hysterics, shaking my head, wiping the flowing waterfall from my eyes with my unsteady hands. She repeated my actions, looking at me as she did so. Her eyes showed all her emotions. I couldn't!

"Now listen here gayboy, we had a deal. You said, you fucking promised me you would do anything I said"
I shook even more. How can people do this to one another? It's inhumane.
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okay so the story is becoming more intense and starting to come together.
next chapter will be quite interesting.
keep reading on.. :)