Our Dirty Little Secrets

Chapter 4

September 11th
I’m so sorry for not updating last night. I got caught up in everything. So, things with Adam went surprisingly well. And I also got to learn my way around town. Well, I have school this morning. I don’t really want to go. I’d rather stay home and catch up on my new Comics and a few of the games I got. I think I’m getting too comfortable, too fast. And it’s making me nervous again. I think, I’m just going to have to slow things down, before something happens. Well, I have to get ready. I’ll update more later. – Rickey (:

Maybe it was wrong. Getting comfortable, and enjoying herself here. She had an uneasy feeling about it. It didn’t feel right. But, as long as Fallyn was comfortable, maybe she should be. No, that’s what happened last time. She got too comfortable, got too close to the people and everything just turned around and bit her in the ass. Sighing, she turns around in her chair, staring silently at the uniform on her bed she bites her lip. She was just gonna have to keep things more casual with the boy. She didn’t want him getting the wrong idea. With a groan and a soft pull of her hair, she moves to change into her uniform.

“Hey Clare, did you finish last nights chem. Assignment?” Rickey asks, as she pulls her notebook out of her bag. “Yea, need help?” Clare asks, smiling as Eli and Adam walk to their side. “Yea, I had trouble with number 4. I didn’t understand him when he was talking about the nuclear particles in –" Adam gave them both a confused twisted look as he interrupted. “I’m so lost. What are you people talking about?” Rickey gives him a funny look. “Were you not paying attention when he was explaining things yesterday?” Adam shakes his head. “Nope. Not one bit. I was too busy falling asleep from the snooze fest.” Rickey rolls her eyes as she goes back to talking to Clare about the question. Eli smirks at the two girls as he pulls Adam to the side. “So, what happened between you two yesterday?” Eli nudges Adam playfully and his face turns red. “Nothing. I just showed her where to buy new comics.” Eli snorts.”Uh-huh sure. That’s all you did.” He looks back at the small Asian girl. Her hair falling gently into her pale face as she debates the answer to the question. “Dude, she’s only been here two days, and you can already tell your falling for her.” Adam gives Eli a harsh look. “I am NOT falling for her. I mean, I think she’s cute. But that’s as far as it goes.” He just shakes his head, at the denial pouring from the young boys’ mouth. “You stare at her like a guy who’s just seen the sky for the first time in a decade.” “Oh man whatever! I do not.” Adam just shakes his head and walks towards the two girls just as the bell rings.
“Hey Rickey, are you busy today after school?” Clare asks, as she walks up to her newest friends’ side. “Uhm, I don’t suppose I am. Why?” She replies, pulling her last book of the day out. Setting her Calculus book back in its place, she pulls her English book and notebook out. “Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me, Eli, and Adam after school? Uhm, maybe at the dot or something?” Clare questions as the two walk into their English class. “Well, I’ll check with Fallyn. But I don’t see why not. But, I can only stay for a little bit. I have some stuff to do tonight.” She whispers to the brown haired girl in front of her. Clare just nods, and pulls out her notebook.
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I need feedback. I've only gotten one comment and i'm already on the fourth chapter. I'm VERY appreciative of Promise_The_Stars . And i think, unless i get at least one more comment or two more subscriptions, i'm not gonna write anymore. (: So, just letting you guys know.