Everything Is So Wrong...

Chapter 1

" We gather here today to say goodbye to a dearly beloved daughter, granddaughter, friend, cousin, aunt, sister and girlfriend. Alice Elizabeth Krankshaw died April 7th 2004 at 6:52p.m. on her way home. She was walking and a drunk driver ran her over without a second glance. On the scene the car was still there. But the driver was not. Police say this was no accident but it could've been. We are going on that it was. The only thing that could serve as proof that it was her indeed was a necklace given to her by her boyfriend of 7 years. Alice was born November 16th 1987. She was her mommas and papas pride and joy. Then in pre-school she befriended Josh when he was rescuing her from a stray dog that wouldn't leave her alone. Then she made her first group of best friends. Marissa and Josh. They were a tight click that could never be pulled apart. Soon Kaitlin joined them. They went to school together and always ended up in the same classes no matter what. Then 5Th grade came along and Josh finally got the courage to ask Alice out and at first Alice said no. But soon she realized she liked him and said yes. They have been going strong for 7 years now." The preacher said about Alice's life.

I really miss her. I thought sadly.

"Josh. Its your turn to speak." my tear stricken mother said. I looked at her and she nodded encouragingly. I got up and slowly made my way to the front.

"Alice was my girlfriend. I loved her so damn much. At first I didn't know what my feelings were until my big brother Eric told me and laughed at me. I remember being so mad at him and Alice always questioning me about it and I couldn't tell her. That was in the fourth grade. She then got mad at me. But then Marissa helped us become friends again. Then In fifth grade I remember blurting out that I liked her and wanted to go out with her. As some of you well know I ran away afraid of what she was going to say. We didn't talk for a whole week. Then she came to me and said a simple yes. I looked at her weirdly and said yes what? She then laughed and kissed me. Oh that yes. I said and she laughed harder falling onto the ground. We were a couple ever since." I said with tears in my eyes and a very shaky voice.

I tried to calm down and started again.
" When we first met a mad dog kept chasing her behind the school. No one had heard her cries up in a tree. I heard her though. So I went following the voice. I saw the dog and called it. Turns out it was my neighbors and it wanted to lick her. I let it lick me instead and it went back home. Then she couldn't get out of the tree. I climbed up with her so she wouldn't be alone. Then the branch broke and I fell on something soft. She landed on top of me. I had landed on an old mattress from the old nursery. I will always remember that. The start of a beautiful friendship. Like fate brought us together." I said and then broke down. First the tears came down and then I couldn't talk. I leaned on the altar for support. My dad came to get me and walked me back to my seat.

Then like that the ceremony ended. I hadn't been paying much attention. Every time I tried to a memory came and hit me in the heart like ice. I would start to cry again and the last time I couldn't stop. My mom and dad helped me to the car. But before I got it Alice's parents came over and asked me one question that sent me over the edge.

"You really like our daughter didn't you Josh?" they asked.

"Yes I did. I was going to ask her to marry me the night she died." I said and started the crying process all over again. Alice's mother started to cry too and she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

I will always remember that day like it was yesterday. Just like the day she died. Just like the day we met. And just like the day she first kissed me. Always.
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There. First chapter up and ready to be read and commented on!

Spell check has been done so there. anyways... next chapter will be up tomorrow.