Everything Is So Wrong...

Chapter 2

I looked behind me. I could have sworn I felt her touch. Alice's touch. I could've sworn.
I turned back around slowly. Then I heard her laugh. I could've sworn that too. But when I rushed past the corner I bumped into the girl that had been laughing and it hadn't been Alice. Just some girl.

"Hey. Watch where your... oh hiya Josh." some girl said. I had no clue who she was. Or did I?

"Science and math class." she said reading my mind. "Bailey Juckson." she clarified yet again reading my mind.

"Oh. Yeah. Hi Bailey." I say acting like I remember her when I really don't. I give her a weak smile and then turn around to walk away.

She laughs all of a sudden and I turn around sharply. That was Alice's laugh. So much like Alice's it was like she was with me now.

"YOu don't remember me do you?" she asks with a smirk on her face and an eyebrow quirked up.

I give her a weak smile and shake my head no.

"Knew you wouldn't anyways. Well see you later Josh." She said, smiled and then walked past me.

Bailey Juckson was like a Alice... but somehow different. She did look different. She did have a different walk...

Why am I noticing these things? I kicked myself mentally.

I am and will always be in love with Alice. No exceptions, buts, ifs and ors. I shall stay true to my love. Together we are inseperable. Apart I am lost. I will never love again my love. Until you are back in my arms and safe from any harm.

Then I smelt a perfume that was different. I turned around shaking my head and walked right into Ashley. One of mine and Alice's friends. She wasn't really part of our group but we hung out during classes.

"Hiya Josh." she says glumly knowing exactly how I feel.

"Hi Ashley." I said. She looked up and noticed something I hadn't noticed.

"You've changed so much. Where is the old Josh that I once knew?" she asked sadly dreading the answer. There was an edge to her voice.

"Locked away in Alice's heart forever Ashley. Until we are together again." I responded and then walked past her. I had a lot to think about. And then something or maybe I should clarify that someone had just popped into my head. Bailey.

I can't seem to get her out of my head. Even if I try really hard!

Bailey Juckson is invading my mind without realizing it.
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Ok there we go. I hope the new chapter is good.