Everything Is So Wrong...

Chapter 3

I am so tired. So very tired.

I didn't get any sleep last night all because Alice and Bailey haunted me. It was like Alice was telling me something about Bailey. I just don't know what.

I just can't believe it. Something is happening against my own will. Something either very wrong or something very right. BUt I haven't figured out which just yet...

"Josh. Please pay attention." Mrs. Hannagan said sharply that pulled me out of my litle delima going on inside my head.

"Now as I was saying. The equator is the hottest place on the whole entire world. Is this true. Please don't shout out. Please raise you hand and I shall call on you." she said so no one shouted out wrong or right answers.

But me being me I didn't obey.

"Of course it is, I mean come on. We were taught this in what? The 7th grade. If your going to review I am so out of here." I said.

A scowl came across her face as she examined me.

"Just because you are morning over your loss doesn't mean the rest of us should be punished with your attitude." She said coldly and everyone's eyes went straight to mine knowing it was a tender spot she had just touched.

"Oh so know thats my excuse huh? Maybe is true. Maybe I really feel this way and am finally letting you know this? I bet mroe than half of the students in here know this but just don't like to get called on? I bet most of the kids in ere would love to go onto a different subject. Something new and fresh. Like a fresh start." I said jumping out of my chair tipping it over. It landed witha loud bang but I didn't even flinch. My gaze was steady with hers and then she huffed and I grabbed my bag and walked straight out of the classroom.

I was done being the delicate child. I was done being alone in this world. I needed to talk to somebody.

And like right now.
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I know this is shorter than my other chapters but I have to go set the table and then eat dinner.