Everything Is So Wrong...

Chapter 5

"Wanna get some ice cream with me Josh?" Bailey asked.

I panicked. I wasn't ready to go in there. I wasn't ready for anything. I wasn't ready for a new friendship... or a date... or anything new... or anything old. I liked Alice. Why can't that matter anymore. And because she isn't here I made a promise I would never love again till I was with her. That stands to honor...

I can't seem to do that when Bailey was around.

"Hello?" Bailey asked with a smile on her face.

Against my will I said the most worst word I could say.

I said yes.

She smiled and grabbed my hand and we ran to the ice cream parlor across the street.

We got a booth and the waitress smiled at me.

"What what would you two like?" she asked in a bright cheery voice.

"Two sundaes with extra chocolate sauce. My treat." she said directing the last statement towards me.

" I can pay for it you know." I said.

"I know but then it would be a date... And I know your not ready for that." she said and winked at me.

I smiled. Man could she just read me or what?

We got our sundaes and ate them. Mine was delicious. Afterwards she paid and we walked out the door.

We went to cross the street but then a horn honked and a car almost hit us. But I pulled Bailey back to the sidewalk before it could hit us.

Then a flashback came back. Alice dead. All you could tell of her was the necklace.

That could've just happened to Bailey.

"Sorry Bailey. I have to...to... I have to go do something." I said quickly and ran off with Bailey looking after me as I ran.
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Sorry for the shortness...