Everything Is So Wrong...

chapter 7

I walked to the place we were to meet. It only took about 5 minutes. But it was all uphill... oh well. I told her I would meet her so here I go.

"pst." I heard fom a bush.

I whipped around adn found Bailey crouched behind a bush.

"What are you doing behind the bush?" I asked.

" I thought you were someone else. Look I asked you to be here because I need help." she started and I had a bewildered look on my face. If it was about school the world was coming to an end.

"What do you need help with?" I asked.

"I've been marked." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused now. What in Gods name does mark mean?

"It means that I am to be this dude named marks girlfriend against my own will. He marks people. Tends to be people you hang out with." she said and then finally looked into my eyes.

"You mean... Alice?" I asked not believing a word he said.

"She said no. She said she loved youand that they would have to kill her instead." she started out.

"You mean they killed her?" I screeched.

"Yeah. Well sort of. They had his older brother kill her. He's in jail now." she said.

"Whats this got to do with you again?" i asked hurt now.

"Well... he thinks your going to ask me out. He wants to go out with me first... but I don't want to. And he said the only way he would get of my bak about dating him is if you kissed me before asking me out. But we would have to date..." she trailed off at the look on my face.

"Kiss you?" I said bewildered. Either she was telling the truth or really watned to kiss me.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"Can I think about it?" I asked.

"yeah. You have till tomorrow morning before school. Thats why I wanted to talk to you this early." she said and I nodded.

"I'll see you around." I said and turned and walked away yet again leaving her there to watch me walk away.
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Hope its good.