One Night

One Night

I followed beside him a step or two behind as he lead me to somewhere I didn’t quite know. Why had he spontaneously and without warning approached me during my solitary training alone in the woods? How did he even know where I trained? And more importantly where was he leading me now? He stopped and looked around checking to make sure it was the right way through the village. I took the small opportunity to speak up, twirling my fingers as I did.

“U-umm… Naruto…where are… y-you taking me?” My cheeks were deep red I could feel them burning in embarrassment as I spoke to him. I couldn’t help but stutter a little bit, its just he made me so nervous. He turned back to me and smiled his wide reassuring smile that he always wore.

“Don’t worry Hinata, just follow me and you‘ll be alright. Believe it.”

“O-okay…” He was always so confident, and I knew that he wouldn’t let anything happen to me. He made his decision and headed off in another direction with me close behind. When he finally stopped we were in front of a small unmarked building that didn’t look like anything other than an abandoned building. He turned back to me as he spoke,

“We‘re here.” I looked the building over before answering him, nervously twirling my fingers as I did.

“Um… N-naruto, what exactly is here?” He gave me another wide smile and even though I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on it still made me blush heavily.

“The restaurant, of course!”

“R-restaurant…?” This building didn’t look like anything close to a restaurant, it didn’t even have a sign or anything. Just looked like a small abandoned house or something.

“W-why would you take me to a restaurant…?” He looked at me curiously as if he thought I already knew the answer.

“Well, this is a date isn’t it? You usually go to dinner on dates unless I got that part wrong.” I could feel the heat on my cheeks as they burned from his words.

“A… d-date with… you?” I could hardly believe what was happening. I always had wanted this, but never once had I imagined that we would be going to dinner with each other. How could such a thing be real, how could something so wonderful happen so unexpectedly? He looked a little sad after I spoke,

“Do you not want to go on a date with me?” I almost jumped in the air as I answered,

“Yes! Yes Naruto, I want to go to dinner with you!” I had to restrain myself from tackling him to the ground and holding him as tight as I could. Even so, I could barely keep my feet on the ground I was so excited.

“Good. I‘m glad to see that you‘re excited.” His smile returned as he took my hand, his skin warm against my own. It felt smooth but rough from all the hard training that he does each day, but that’s what made me love him. He lead me to the door of the building and opened it leading me inside, all my worries about its creepiness completely forgotten. I walked into the darkness, the little light that the night created only made it in this place through the door which he closed behind us. I stood alone in the complete blackness, cold, no sounds, the smell of age and death. I could feel my fear beginning to return.

“N-naruto…?” The sound of a match being lit and a small candle dimly lighting the room. He stood a few feet away holding a small candle in his hands that only barely allowed me to see him and the rest of the room. There was nothing else in here, just cold damp walls and dust. And the smell of old blood that made me all the more uneasy.

“I‘m glad that I finally asked you out Hinata, I‘ve been wanting to for a long long time but I just couldn’t figure out how to do it. ” He placed the candle down on the ground as he spoke, standing next to it the light not quite reaching his face.

“N-naruto what is this place…?” I was beginning to feel scared. What were we doing in this abandoned building? He said we were going to dinner but I don’t understand why we came to this place. None of it made any sense.

“None of that matters now. The only thing that matters is that you‘re here with me so lets not waste any more time then.” He quickly approached me and placed his hands around me, leaning me back slightly. My heart raced as he leaned farther in until he was mere inches away from my face. I couldn’t move, I could barely breathe let alone believe what was happening. I didn’t even fully understand what was going on but all I could think about was his arms holding me and his face so close to mine. All other thoughts and all other worries just faded away as if they didn’t even matter. He whispered to me, I could feel his breath as he did. “You are without a doubt the most delicious of all Hinata. Your scent is like no other I have come across before. Lets see if your taste matches how wonderful you smell.” He leaned in closer moving his lips down to my neck as I unconsciously moved my head to the side for him. I felt his lips brush against the tender flesh of my neck and then his tounge gliding softly over me. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning softly at the feeling of it, something new that I had never felt before. I could feel his teeth now brushing so softly over my neck, merely gliding over with the slightest touch. But there was something about them, they felt… sharp. I could feel them pressing down on my neck,

“Naruto…?” And then he bit down deep into my neck. The blood flowed from the wound and into him as he drank. He continued to drink the scarlet flow from my body as everything grew fuzzy and I felt my body becoming colder. I felt as though I were floating in an endless pool of nothing as my body began to die. The nothing felt thick as though I were laying in jelly but warm and comforting. It just made me want to sleep and the more he drank the more tired I felt. I couldn’t fight it and closed my eyes giving in to the endless pool of nothing that was my death.