Status: Still a work in progress.

More Than Meets The Eye

Tabitha's Story: Chapter Two

It’s finally here! It’s my eighteenth birthday and Halloween. My family threw me a party yesterday and my friends are coming over to my house after school for a sleepover. My mom woke me up way early this morning. She said she had to tell me something important and did she ever. I’m adopted. I knew I was always prettier than the rest of my family but I never thought I was adopted. She gave me this hideous necklace that my biological mom told her to give to me. It was a charm on a ribbon with some kind of symbol and my birthstone. When she gave it to me, it was as if everything changed and the world stopped for just one moment. I turned it over and on the back it said “Peace.” I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean. I really don’t care though because I’m too excited about my birthday today.
I feel bad that I don’t get to go out with my boyfriend but he promised he would take me out for a birthday dinner tomorrow night. After straightening my hair I put on my brand new dress I got yesterday with the most adorable shoes. I put on my “Birthday Princess” sash and my tiara from a beauty pageant I won. I tucked my necklace into my dress so that no one will see how ugly it is. My mom is forcing me to wear it.

Down stairs my mom has the chef bring me a cupcake with a blue candle on it. I blow out the candle and grab my cheer bag before I leave.
“Aren’t you going to eat you’re cupcake?”
“Mom, you know I can’t. Look at all of that icing. Do you know how many pounds I would put on eating that one cupcake?” I walk out the door and get into my car that daddy bought me for my eighteenth birthday. I take the necklace off and put it in my purse. There is no way I’m going to let people see me wearing that thing.
I got to school early so that I could open all of my presents. I see Vanessa and Jasimine standing by our lockers. I walk over and everyone else gathers around to tell me happy birthday.
“Tabitha, I just love your new dress. Did you get it for your birthday?”
“Daddy let me get five new dress for my birthday. He also bought me a brand new car.”
“When doesn’t he buy you a car? He’s been buying you a car for your birthday since you turned sixteen.
I open my presents and thank all of my friends. They know me so well. Everything I got was blue. Julie gave me a blue journal with a really cool pattern on the front of it with pretty paper. I love to write in my journal. I write my dreams and everything in them. I needed a new one, so it was definitely my favorite.
“Look what the trailer park dragged in.”
I turn around and see that they are talking about Nikki Johnson. We all laugh and some of my other friends make a few more remarks. I’m the Birthday Girl today so I figure I should be nice to at least one person today.
“Happy Halloween, Nikki.”
“Thanks. That means so much coming from you.” She rolls her eyes and goes over to talk to her friends.
“Are you and your mommy going trick-or-treating with the other kids from the trailer park?”
“Don’t say stuff like that you guys,” I say to them, “if she eats all that candy she’ll just get fatter and her teeth will rot. We all know her mom can’t afford the doctor bill.” We all laughed then and when we finished we started walking to the cafeteria and began planning the sleepover.