Status: Still a work in progress.

More Than Meets The Eye

Nikki's Story: Chapter Three

I got the best present ever today. I found out that I was adopted. Mary told me that my birth mom died a few years ago. Mary is my mom, unfortunately. My dad left when I was six. He used to beat on Mary and me. Now Mary just lies around all day and drinks, leaving me to fend for myself. I’m used to it though. It’s been like this for as long as I can remember. I don’t mind though, because Mary doesn’t really care what I do and lets me stay out as late as I want. Some days I don’t even bother to come home.
Today is Halloween and Mary gave me a necklace from my birth mother. It has a symbol on it with my birthstone and on the back it has my name and says “Life.” It’s kind of cool. I don’t know what it’s for but when she gave it to me it was really weird. I felt different. Like my whole life had just changed forever.

I don’t have any siblings. It’s just me and Mary. There are other families in the trailer park but none of them like Mary. They used to, until she stopped caring about everything. I went to the kitchen and fixed me a bowl of cereal. Mary came in and asked me what I wanted to do for Halloween. So I told her, “Stop pretending that you care Mary. We both know that if we plan to do anything after school it won’t happen because by the time I get home, you’ll already be passed out on the couch.”
“Why won’t you call me mom?”
“Mary you are far away from being a mom. If you were a real mother, you would get a job to support us instead of making me get a job so you can buy your beer.” She looked hurt but it was the truth. If she didn’t want to know she shouldn’t have asked.
“I have to be at school early this morning.”
“Have fun. I love you, honey.” She tried to kiss my forehead, but I dodged it and started for the door.
“Yeah, right.” I said under my breath.

When I got to school I turned into my assigned parking space. I was able to save some of my money so I could buy a used car. Even though it’s a piece of crap, at least it runs, sometimes. I walk through the doors and the first thing I see is Tabitha and her snobby friends. They make some remarks and Tabitha, pretending to be nice for once, tells me Happy Halloween.
I snap back and keep walking. One of her minions makes another remark and so does Tabitha. I could care less what they think so I just ignore them. My friends and I are planning to go to the cemetery tonight and scare little kids that walk by.
“So how are we going to do this?” Alex is the planner of our group. Everything has to be planned out and understood before she will do it. “I was thinking that Max and I could be the ghosts, Nikki and Brad can be zombies, and Devin and Patrick can be the werewolves.”
“Sounds good to me.” We all planned to go to Alex’s house after school to plan our costumes and get everything together.
We were figuring out who was going to drive when a new girl walked up to us.
“Excuse me, but you’re standing in front of my locker.” She looked scared.
We moved but everyone kept their eyes on her. She closed her locker and, when she did, Brad, who looks dead even when it’s not Halloween, barked at her. She jumped and started walking faster. We all laughed and went back to planning what we were going to do tonight.