Status: Still a work in progress.

More Than Meets The Eye

Josie: The Beginning.

I don’t understand why people actually come to this place. There is nothing here. Even if there was, I doubt it would be worth seeing. Yet, for some reason, people still move here. At least this one looks kind of normal. Unlike the girl we got last week. She still scares me. Who dyes their hair six different colors on purpose? I could understand if they were normal hair colors, but light pink, blue, purple, seriously? Her head looks like fairy puked on it.

After she is done introducing herself, Nikki and her group start barking at the poor girl. The teacher tells them to stop and threatens them with detention. After realizing that they are more than likely going to be in there for the rest of the year anyway, he sends them to office. They leave, but everyone knows they’re just going so they can get out of class. They won’t really go to the office. The teacher knows this too. He just wants to get them out of his class.
I look over at the new girl and she’s playing with her necklace. I look at the huge charm attached to it and it looks almost exactly like the necklace my mom gave me this morning. It’s probably just a coincidence. You could probably make one of these things anywhere. There’s no way she’s adopted and got the necklace from her real mom.

By the end of class I had learned absolutely nothing about what was supposed to be on the test Monday. I was busy making a list for the Halloween party tonight. I was also thinking about what movies I need to rent. I finally decided to ask my friends whether they wanted to rent a couple of movies or watch a horror movie marathon that’s supposed to last till four o’clock in the morning.
“Josie,” I turned around to see Bekah running at me with a huge bag, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she said, nearly out of breath.
“You found me.”
“Anyway, can you take this to your house? I need to stop by my place to get a few things for tonight.”
“Sure. What is it?”
“It’s candy. My dad gave it to me. He also gave me a whole bunch of Halloween makeup, I know how much you love the stuff, and he gave me some old clothes and costumes. He said to do with them as you please.” My friends and their families are always giving me clothes that they can’t wear anymore because I make my own clothes, and the stuff I don’t use or if it’s nice I take down to the homeless shelter.
“Tell him I said thanks.”
“I will. By the way, he wants to know when you’re going to come back over.” Bekah is my best friend and her family is like my second family. She feels the same about my family.
“That reminds me, do you want to watch the marathon tonight or rent a couple of movies?”
“How did that remind you of that?”
“Because your dad’s pretty scary, so, what do you want to do?”
“I think I’d rather watch the marathon. It’s supposed to be a good one this year.”
“Okay, marathon it is.”

When I got home my brothers were getting ready for a dance they are chaperoning tonight. My mom and dad were getting ready for their office party.
“Are you sure you will be alright by yourself?”
“Mom, I’ve stayed here alone before. Besides, Bekah’s going to be here and so are my other friends. What are you so worried about?”
“Okay, the number to the office is on the fridge and so is your dad’s cell phone number and…”
“…call 911 if I hear or see anyone suspicious, do not leave the house under any circumstances….blah blah blah…Do we have to go over this every time you leave me here alone?”
“I just worry about you, honey.”
“You have no reason to worry about me mom. We’re just going to watch some movies and eat lots of food. The worst that could happen is we get fat off of all the candy and snacks.” She smiled and I knew that was the end of the conversation.

My parents and brothers finally left and I was able to get the candy bowls ready and make some Halloween snacks. I was filling up the last candy bowl when I got that weird feeling again. Like something was going to happen tonight. I suddenly felt paranoid and went to lock the doors when I heard a knock. I went to the front door and it was Bekah.
“I hope I’m not late.” She had two garbage bags with her full of clothes and a box that contained all of the Halloween makeup.
“Nope, you’re the first.”
“Cool, do you need any help?”
“I just finished filling the candy bowls but you can help me with the cupcakes. I made some tombstone shaped cookies to make them look like graveyards.”
“Of course. It’s not Halloween unless we make some graveyard cupcakes.” We went into the kitchen and we had just finished the last cupcake when there was another knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” I said and ran for the door.
I opened the door and there was nobody there. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and noticed a box sitting on the porch swing. I grabbed it and took it back to the kitchen.
“What’s that?” Asked Bekah as she licked the icing off of her fingers.
“I don’t know. It was just sitting on the porch swing.”
“That’s weird. What’s in it?” I opened the box and inside was a book. I tried to open it but was unsuccessful. I looked at the front and there was a circle with something that looked like a plus sign inside of it. It had four indentions in it. I looked closer and realized that one of the indentions was the exact shape as the charm mom had given me this morning.
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Sorry for typos. It's still a work in progress. Let me know what you think.