Love And Hate

Chapter One

"I can take care of myself!" Kiera scram. She often did this to her brother. She had been yelling that at him since she was 5, when on her first day of school a bully had pushed her and her brother stood up for her. For years Kiera had felt as if Alex was putting up a wall to protect her, but he was just making her wilder.

She knew he'd never back off. She had to break free. She knew someday she would. She'd get away from Alex and his band. Once and for all. It was just breaking the hold.

Kiera's p.o.v.
The hot California sun beat down hard on the football field filled with people. We'd been here for an hour already. I pushed back my black hair off my neck.

"There he is!" My mom said pointing so my dad would film Alex.

She had already cried that morning, twice. They called someone with the last name that started with U.

"We'll be here again next year for Kiera." my mom gushed. I wouldn't mind being here so much if it wasn't so damn hot.

"Alex Varkatzas" the guy called. We cheered.

"Can I go now?" I asked.

"No." My mom said.

"Crap" I said. The graduation finally ended and everyone went 2 find their loved ones. We'd find Alex with the rest of them. When we found them Alex gave me a hug.

"I didn't want a hug." I spat. He rolled his eyes. Dan was going to give me a hug.

"If you do, you'll die." I said.

"You aren't happy today." Alex said

"I told you to tell your friends to stay away from me."

"Come on sprout, don't be like that. You're like their little sister too."
"Great" I said rolling my eyes. In the car I didn't say a word.

"I'm worried about when you start school again." Alex said as we sat in the back seat.

"Hey! My last year of high school and you're not gonna be there?!"


"Yes! I'll be free at school!"

"Kiera you know you are my little sister and I love you." At home my grandma was there.

"Hi grams." I said

"Hi Kiera." She said giving me a hug.

"Good job Alex." She said giving him a hug also.

"Okay kids, go get ready. We are going out to dinner in an hour." My mom said. I let Alex take his shower first. After my shower I got ready.

"Alex do you want to drive?" My dad asked

"No" Alex responded

"Kiera?" My dad asked.

"Yes!" I said taking the keys. Over dinner everyone was talking, except me.

"So Kiera do you have a boyfriend?" My grandma asked.

"I did, until Alex scared him away." I said. Back at home Alex was still talking about how I needed to be protected.

"I can take care of myself! Just stay out of my life!" I yelled before running up to my room.

No ones p.o.v. Kiera sat on her bed. Her and Alex had gotten into another fight. She was dreaming of what her life would be like when she broke away from the hold her brother had on her. She didn't really like her brother's band's music, but hoped they'd get signed. Just so he'd been gone a lot. There was a knock on her door.

"What?!" She yelled.

"The guys are here! We want you to hang out with us!" Alex said

"Screw you, and them!" She yelled. Things are going to rock once Atreyu gets signed. She thought.