Love And Hate

Chapter Eleven

No one's p.o.v
On their way home for the first time ever Brandon and Kiera talked for an hour. They agreed to be friends. Alex watched from a distance. He was happy that his sister was finally talking to one of his friends.

Kiera's p.o.v
I laughed and Alex and Brandon both smiled. We sat in the lounge. Everyone else was still asleep. but we couldn't sleep knowing how close to home we were. "We're home!" I said looking out the window.

"We're back!" Alex and I yelled walking through the door.

"Alex! Kiera!" Carmen yelled running towards us.

"Carmen!" We both said. She gave each of us a hug.

"How was the tour?" My mom asked

"Good" We responded.

"I'm gonna go home and get some sleep. I'll be here around five." Alex said. He gave our mom, Carmen, and I all hugs.

"Kiera will you watch Bami with me?" Carmen asked


She got me the movie and I put it in. I sat my cell phone on an end table in the bed. I laid down on the big sofa in there. Carmen did the same thing and I felt her head against mine. The last thing I remember is Thumper sliding on the ice.

Kiera's mom's p.o.v.
I stood in the door way of the den. The movie had ended and Kiera was asleep. We always kept blankets on the huge sectional couch in there. Carmen got up and gabbed one. She managed to cover Kiera then gave her sister a kiss on the cheek. Kiera's phone rand. Carmen grabbed it. As I told her not to, she answered it. "Hello?" She said.

"She's my sister. She's asleep," Carmen said into the phone "Okay. Bye." She finished.

Kiera's p.o.v.
"Daddy!" Carmen yelled then I heard her run. I looked around to realize I was in the den. I stood up. I grabbed my call, then went to say hi to my dad. "Hi dad." I said.

"Hi sweetie" he greeted me. After Alex got there we left for dinner.

"So are you kids ready to go to Greece?" my dad asked.

"Yeah" We answered.

"Good" My mom added.

"Kiera while you was asleep, someone called you on your cell phone." Carmen said. I went to my resent calls and saw Matt's number.

"I'll call him later." I said closing my cell.

"Your friend from Warped Tour?" Alex asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

"Cool" He commented.

Over the next week everyone was busy preparing for the trip to Greece. It was a long plane flight! I opened the door to my hotel room. "I'll see you tomorrow" Alex said

"See ya" I went to bed and fell asleep quickly.

No one's p.o.v
The summer had changed a lot for Kiera, Matt, Alex, and Stacy, But mostly for Kiera, Matt, and Alex. Now Kiera and Matt were in different countries. After that last fight Alex decided to back off and let Kiera live her life. But something still wasn't right. Kiera was scared about if she could last with Matt. And Matt was afraid that Kiera would fade out of his life forever.

After the summer everyone thought the worst of it was over. Little did they know what lay ahead. When the next summer life as Kiera know it would change again. On their last day in Greece Kiera sat on the dock looking at the Ocean. "What's going on sis?" Alex asked sitting down next to her. "If one summer can change so much, what's gonna happen in the next year?" She said

"Who knows. If I know I'd tell you." He responded.

"It's just nothing is the same anymore. Do you think things will ever be the same?"


"I'll be friends with Brandon but nothing changed with Dan."

"Okay" Her brother said with a laugh. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all passes. As summer 2006 drew closer Kiera, Alex, and Matt would be facing another life changing summer. So much had already changed, but more awaited them. The just didn't know it yet.