Love And Hate

Chapter Tweleve

Kiera's p.o.v
Downstairs Alex was over. "Hey Butthead." I greeted him.

"Same to you sis." He responded.

"I can't wait for summer!" Carmen said as she ate her breakfast.

"Don't like school squirt?" I asked.

"No" She answered.

"Do you know who the mystery band for Ozzfest this year is?" I asked Alex.

"No. A lot of people are saying it's Metallica thought." He answered.

"That would be cool!"

"Bye" Carmen said.

"Bye" Alex and I responded. My mom reappeared after Carmen was on the bus.

"Have you talk to Matt?" Alex asked.

"No" I answered.

"Why?" My mom asked

"It would be better if I just let him go. For the both of us." I stated.

"Oh yeah they are confirming the mystery band on t.v tonight." Alex stated.

"You come for dinner then." My mom said.

"Okay" Alex agreed.

"Where are you going so early Kiera?" My mom asked

"Stacy and I are going to the mall. She said she needs some now clothes for her college graduation. She just wants to go shopping." My mom and Alex both laughed. "So it meant a trip to Hot Topic and Chinese food so I agreed." I said. There was a knock.

"I've got it." Alex said before leaving the room. A few minutes later Stacy and Alex appeared.

"Let me go grab my cell." I said. At the mall I followed Stacy into various stores.

"Let's go in here! My parent's are throwing me a party, so I need a dress." She said. I followed her into the store. She picked out several different dresses and went to try them on. I pulled my small MP3 player out and turned it on. I put the earphones in and hit play Avenged Sevenfold's Beast And The Harlot played. Stacy finally picked out a dress and we left that store. We headed off for lunch.

"Who do you think the mystery band is?" She asked.

"I don't know." I answered trying to use the chopstick to get a piece of chicken.

"What if... nah never mind."

"What?" I asked still chasing the piece of chicken around the plate.

"Nothing. Kiera stop chasing the chicken." I grabbed a fork and began to eat.

"Are you looking forward to the tour?"

"After last summer's change I like my job now."

"Other than you are still at war with one of your brother's friends."


"And you still give all of them crap."

"Well. This is me. What do you expect?"

"You do have a good point."

"If I didn't I wouldn't have said it."

"Hi there girls." Dan said.

"Shit you're here!" I snapped.

"Kiera! Would it kill you to be nice?" Stacy asked me.

"To him, yes."

"Well aren't you a barrel full of monkeys!" He said.

"That's the best you've got?"


"Kiera you are an ass." Stacy said.

"Thank you." After lunch we headed for Hot Topic.

"Hey Kiera." The guy working the counter said.

"Hey Billy." Yes the manager of Hot Topic and I knew each other. That's how much I'm in here. Stacy went to the other side of the store.

"More Avenged Sevenfold tee shirts." Billy asked as I paid.

"Yes! You can never have too many Avenged Sevenfold shirts!"

"I hear ya." He agreed. That night my parents, Alex, Carmen, and I sat around the table eating dinning. "So the mystery band is being confirmed tonight?" My dad asked.

"Yeah. Then Ozzfest will no longer have a mystery band." Alex said.

"I want to go!" Carmen said

"You're too young." Everyone said. She sighed. After dinner everyone went into the den. The show finally came on. "Today Ozzfest 2006's mystery band was confirmed. Who is it? Well several; people have said it is Metallica or Guns N Roses, well guess again. Today M.Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold confirmed it. Avenged Sevenfold will play main stage at Ozzfest." The t.v said. I was once again going to be in the same place as Matt all summer long.

"Kiera?" Alex asked.

"Yeah" I answered looking at him.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah I'll be okay."
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