Love And Hate

Chapter Thirteen

"Are you sure you are going to be okay? Kiera I'd rather have you happy then a merch girl." Alex said

"Alex you worry too much." I stated as I fixed my bunk on the bus.

"Well I’m your older brother. It's what I do." He reminded me.

"Oh by a year." I shot back.

"You little butt-head." He said. I sat down.

"Yup." I smirked. Alex sat on me.

"Get off! You're heavy!" I said.

"A little brother sister bonding?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah" Alex answered.

"Off!" I yelled. The bus moved forwards.

"Nope" Alex responded. Brandon shrugged and sat down on Alex.

"Both of you off! It's like setting 3 of me on me!" I said.

"Alex laughed.

"Yes Kiera that made a whole lot of sense." Brandon stated. I looked to the side of Alex's arm.

"You try to make sense with 2 people who are both bigger than you on top of you!" I told him.

"What does that have to do with making sense?" He asked.

"I don't think my brain is getting air!" I said. Alex and Brandon laughed.

"Get off please!" I whined.

"You squeaked!" Brandon said.

"Like a chipmunk!" Alex added like a retard.

"I can't breathe." I reminded them.

"Let's get off before we kill her." Alex said. They stood up.

"Air!" I exclaimed taking a deep breath.

"Fuse!" Travis yelled.

"Cool" Brandon said going towards the lounge.

"You coming?" Alex asked.

"Nah. I'm just gonna get on my laptop for a bit. I'll be out later." I answered. I just stared at the login for my IM for the longest time. I slowly typed in pixiedust14. Since Christmas time when I broke it off with Matt I didn't log in much. I guess I was scared he'd be on. I clicked "Log in" It brought up a list of messages. All from Matt. Almost all of them said "Kiera we can just be friends, just please don't disappear." A single tear rolled down my cheek. I logged off and went to myspace. I must have been zoned out doing things there for a long time because Alex appeared. "Kiera are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Alex what if I see him?" I responded.

"It's a big place. The odds of you seeing him are fairly low." Alex reminded me.

"But what if I do?" I asked

"Well he was your boyfriend." He answered.

"Why did they have to be the mystery band? I mean I'm looking forward to seeing them live but I'm worried about seeing Matt." I said.

"Kiera I'm a guy, like I'm really gonna know anything about that!" he reminded me.

"Yeah I know" I sighed.

"Alex! Kiera!" We heard Brandon yelled.

"You coming?" Alex asked. "Yeah" I answered standing up.

"Video game time!" Brandon said.

"Which game?" I asked. After the video games the t.v. was put back on Fuse. I drifted out though. What if I did see Matt What if I freaked out? Why did I even break it off. "Night." Marc said.

"Night." We all responded. Travis and Dan did the same soon after, leaving Alex, Brandon, and I in the lounge.

"Well Stacy and Ash will meet up with us there." Alex stated.

"Yeah" Brandon agreed. What if he hates me?

"Kiera?" I heard.

"What?" I asked

"Are you okay?" Alex asked again.

"Yeah. I'm going to bed." I responded. That night before I fell asleep every bad thing that could happen played in my mind. The next afternoon the bus parked.

"Hey Kiera we're all gonna go get our passes, do you want me to get yours?" Alex asked.

"No it's fine. I'll come." I answered. I slid on the blond wig. I followed Alex into the lounge.

"Holy crap!" Brandon said.

"Do I look like me?" I asked.

"Not really." Everyone answered. The blond wig, super dark make up, plain white tee shirt, jean shorts, and sandals were the opposite of me. We walked off the bus. Several bands were waiting for their passes. I kept a look out for Matt or any of the other guys. It was finally my turn.

"Band name? Your name?" The guy asked.

"Kiera Varkatzas, Atreyu. Merch." I answered. He handed me a pass. I put it around my neck. Now I was who I was. I was Alex Varkatzas' sister and Atreyu's merch girl. And I didn't care who knew. We had been back on the bus an hour when two girls walked in. "Stacy! Ash!" Alex, Brandon, and I exclaimed. That night I thought about what would happen if I saw Matt. Then I decided if I saw him, fine. If I didn't, fine. I'd get through this summer.