Love And Hate

Chapter Fifteen

"Why don't you come hang out for a few minutes?" Matt asked as we walked around.

"Okay." I agreed. Two weeks into the tour and everything was changing again. I hadn't told Matt my hair was still black though. At the bus I followed Matt inside.

"Kiera!" Zacky yelled and tackled me to the floor with a hug.

"Hi Zacky" Matt wanted to talk to me alone.

"Kiera what really happened with us?" He asked.

“I've gotta go." I got up and left.

"Kiera wait. Please?" Matt voice said as I walked away from Avenged's bus. I ran. It started raining lightly. The lightning struck again and again.

"What are you doing out here?" Matt asked.

"I can't do this."

"Kiera what happened?"

"I thought it would be best for us. I felt bad for not telling you who I was sooner. I was scared I'd screw up again. Matt I couldn't stand to hurt you."

"Kiera," He told me pulling me into a hug. "It hurt me more to think I'd never see you again. You didn't tell me because you were afraid I'd leave."

"I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it."

"Come on I'll walk back with you." Matt broke the silence after a few minutes. We were almost at Atreyu's bus when Matt stopped.

"What's going on?" I asked. Matt gently pulled the blonde wig off, letting my shoulder length black hair loose. He moved closer. He kissed me.

"Well finally." Alex, Stacy, and Ash said the following day when I told them. Ash and Stacy must have noticed Alex and I needed one of those "brother, sister" talks.

"You're not mad are you?" I asked.

"Kiera you are my sister. If this makes you happy, then I'm happy for you." I smiled. Stacy, Ash, and I were working when I heard a voice. I turned around.
"Hey Matt." I greeted him.

"Hey Kiera" He responded smiling.

"Hi I'm Stacy."

"I'm Ash"

"Matt theses are my insane friends Stacy and Ash. You two weirdo’s this is Matt." I introduced them as I folded a stack of tee shirts.

"Hey Kiera. Hi Stacy. Hey Ash." Alex said.

"Hi butt head. Hey Stacy. Hi Ash." Brandon added. Brandon stood by Ash while Alex stood behind Stacy.”

Busy morning?" Matt asked.

"Kinda." I answered pushing my hair behind my ear.

"You girls need any help?" Alex asked

"Nope." We all said.

"Well I better get going. I'll see ya later Kiera. Stacy, Ash it was nice to meet you." Matt said.

"Bye" We all responded.

"Well at least this year the second stage bands didn't all take their shirts off." Alex said

"Yet. It's only two weeks into the summer." I reminded him. Everyone cringed.

"I'm Rose from alternative press." A lady said walking up

"Hi" We all said. She asked if Alex and Brandon could answer a few questions. After a few questions it came to a certain one.

"Ozzy or Bruce Dickenson?” She asked.

"I get to have another one of my moments. We're just gonna go with Ozzy. I mean it's called Ozzfest not Bruce Freakin Dickensonfest. I mean I know my role, he'd Bruce Dickenson and I'm nobody McAtreyu. But that's just one man's opinion." Alex answered. It proved a busy day.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Matt" I said walking off the bus. Matt was already outside.

"You know I like you better with black hair than a blonde wig." Matt said causing me to laugh.

"She's not blonde anymore!" Zacky said when we got to their bus.


"Brian!" I heard Jimmy yelled.

"What?" Brian asked as Jimmy appeared.

"Keep your crap off my bunk." Jimmy told him throwing him a tee shirt. Everyone laughed. When I got back to the bus Travis, Marc, and Dan were in the lounge.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Marc pointed to the bedroom. I went to my bunk.

"Did you have fun?" Stacy asked

"Yeah" I answered. Not long after we left I was asleep. I woke up around two in the morning. I went and looked out a window. It was dark outside, but I did see head lights. I went back to bed. The next day we were setting stuff up when I heard something.

"Alex! Kiera!" Carmen's voice said.

"Am I going crazy?" I asked.

"I think I am" Alex answered. Carmen, followed by our parents walked up.

"Hi" We said in shock.

"Brandon I can walk!" Ash's voice chipped in. She was on Brandon's back.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Varkatzas." Brandon said.