Love And Hate

Chapter Sixteen

"Are you two surprised?" My mom asked

"Shocked." Alex and I answered honestly.

"Mom, dad." Carmen’s voice said.

"We'll be back."

"Great Dad's here." I commented after they walked away.

"Worried?" Alex asked.

"He doesn't know about Matt."

"Well don't worry about it. Just have fun seeing them today." I was going to watch their show that day. When our parents came back we discovered they were staying on the tour with us for a week.

"Kiera!" Matt's voice said as I walked back towards the merch table.

"Great show!"


"You don't have to walk me back."

"Why? What's waiting?"

"My parent are here. My dad doesn't really know about us."

"Well if you want me to stay away"

"No. I'm not hiding anything anymore." Matt kissed my cheek. At the merch tent Carmen was sitting on the table.

"Hey everybody." I greeted them.


"Who's your friend?" My dad asked as his gaze fell on Matt.

"Um dad this is Matt, my boyfriend. Matt this is my dad." I introduced them

"Hello Mr. Varkatzas." Matt said


"How's the crowd today?" Alex asked.

"Crazy. It's great." Matt answered.

"Sweet." Whatever Alex was up to was making me look easier towards Matt.

"Well I better go. I'll see you later Kiera." Matt told me.

"Bye" He kissed my cheek.

"Mom, dad, Carmen why don't you go back to the bus and rest?" Alex asked. They said they were fine. Atreyu's time slot got closer.

"Kiera I need your help back at the bus." Alex said out of no where.

"Okay" Once we were away from the merch table I learned the real reason we had left.

"Just so you know if there is anything I can do to help you out with the whole Matt and dad thing let me know."

"You already did. Thanks."

"What song are you humming?" Ash asked later that day as we worked.

"Burn It Down." I answered. Atreyu took the stage and Stacy and Ash began drooling.

"Oh brother." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh like you weren't drooling over Matt at their show." Stacy spat.

"I wasn't. I was too busy in the mosh pit."

"We really need to get you in tact with you girly side!"

"Does Kiera even have a girly side?" Zacky asked.

"Hey Zacky. Great show today!"

"Thanks. Matt said your parents are here?"

"And little sister."

"That's cool"
"Yeah. So what are you up to?"

"No much. Just walking around. Thought I'd come see you before Atreyu gets back. I don't want any arguments."

"Yeah" Even thought Matt and Alex were kinda forced to be nice to each other that didn't mean the war was over. I didn't know if it ever would be. Knowing my brother and his friends probably not.

"So how's it going with you and Matt?"

"Good" That night on the bus Dan decided to play big brother.

"He's bad news!" .

"How the hell would you know?!"

"Kiera we're at war with them!"

"Like I care!"

"He doesn't like your brother or us!"

"So? He's dating me, not you guys!"

"He is just going to hurt you!"

"How would you know?!?! You don't even know him!"

"I've kept my mouth shut long enough! Break up with him!"

"Screw you!" The two of us fought and yelled so much that no one cared. Carmen watching Finding Nemo on her portable DVD player. My parents talked. Travis and Marc played a video game. Alex and Brandon sat around playing a card game. Stacy and Ash watched Alex and Brandon. So see, everyone is used to it.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I yelled.

"You're like my little sister!"

"Oh bull crap! I am one of your best friends little sister! You are nothing to me!"

"Why do you never listen?!"

"Because I can't stand you!"
"You don't mean that." He told me laughing.

"You wanna bet?" I snarled. I turned to go to my bunk.

"Now listen Kiera and break up with that asshole." He told me.

"That's it!" I yelled.
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I'm sorry it took so long to update! Comments please? Oh and I just want to say that I don't have anything against any member of Atreyu. They are my second favorite band and I love their music. This is just to add some bit of drama in here.