Love And Hate

Chapter Seventeen

I turned and lunged at Dan. I tackled him to the floor and began beating the living crap out of him. "Kiera stop!" Everyone yelled. Alex and Brandon pulled me off.

"What the hell was that for?!" Alex asked.

"He had it coming!"

"He's just trying to protect you!"

"Just do it again! Same old crap! I should have known you'd never change!"

"Do what?" He

"Pick that thing over me! You care more about that thing than you do me! You don't care what he says to hurt me!"

"That's not true"

"You it is and you know it!"

"Kiera you stupid ass." Dan’s voice interrupted.

"Alex?" I turned to my brother.


"See! I thought one of the people I could count on to at least stick up for me was you! My big brother! But all you care about is the band and Stacy! So I guess I was wrong. I wish I wasn't your sister! I wish you weren't my brother!" Against my will the tears slowly leaked out from my eyes. I broke free of Alex's grip and ran to the back lounge.

Alex's P.O.V

Kiera's words hit me like a thousand knives. My sister's sobs lingered and the silence hung over the room. I turned and went to my bunk. "Alex." Stacy's voice cut in.


"She doesn't mean it."

"Yeah she does. Maybe she's right."

"Don't think like that."

"I just need to be left alone to think for a while."
Normal P.O.V

"Kiera are you going to be okay?" Matt asked after I told him the whole story.

"Yeah. I'm used to it by now."

"What is up with you?!" Stacy asked bursting in.

"I've gotta go."

“I’ll talk to you later.”


"Answer me!" Stacy yelled.

"Why should I?"

"You just hurt your brother!"

"Oh like it doesn't hurt when he left Dan do this crap!"

"Maybe Dan’s right!"

"No he's not!" Alex’s voice made us bother look at him. I heard yelling from Ash, Brandon, and Dan.

"Alex think about what she just said to you!"

"Think about what I just let Dan say to her."

"Maybe he is right."

"Well I don't care what he thinks, he can just keep his mouth shut about my sister!"

"She treats him like crap!"

Ash's p.o.v
"Just shut up about her!" Brandon fought with Dan.

"Since when do you care?!"

"Since when do you even know enough about her to talk crap about her!?" I jumped in.

"Yeah! You don't know her!"

"Get over it!"

"Over what?"


"Just shut up okay!?"

"You had it coming! She should have beat the crap outta you a long time ago!" I snarled before grabbing Brandon’s arm and heading for the back lounge.

Normal P.O.V

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"Stop what?" Stacy asked.

"Just back off okay?"

"Dan was right."

"Well since he is so right maybe you should be dating him!" Alex jumped in.

"Stop!" Stacy laughed and walked out of the room. "Alex I'm sorry."

"We’ve been fighting a lot lately. It has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." My brother hugged me.

"Asshole!" Brandon yelled then he an Ash appeared in the room.

"What's up with Stacy?" Brandon asked

"Nothing important." Alex answered.

"You okay Kiera?" Ash walked over to me.

"Yeah" I answered as we sat down.

"What happened out there?" Alex asked.

"Fight." Brandon answered.

"I'm sorry guys." I felt the need to say I was sorry, it was after all my fault.

"Kier this isn't your fault." Brandon beat Alex to it.

"It's Dan's" Alex added.

"They're right." Ash agreed.

"Does Matt know what he told you?" Alex asked.


"Well if he beats the crap outta Dan he'll be right."

"Did you just say Matt would be right?"

"Yeah." I sat in shock.

The tour bus drove on that night leaving me to my thoughts. I watched out the window, car after car passed us. So now Alex, Brandon, Ash, and I were at war with Dan and Stacy.

I couldn’t seem to fall asleep so instead I sat in the back lounge listening to music and messing around on Myspace. I knew the next day would be strange. Very, very strange indeed. Little did I know how much more it was than I’d ever dreamed.
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♥♪♫Bat Shadows♫♪♥