Love And Hate

Chapter Three

After checking my e-mail my alert for an IM rang out.


Pixiedust14(Kiera): hey

Shadows31:What's up with you?

pixiedust14:nothin much. just sittin on my bunk. u?

Shadows31: the same. where r u?

pixiedust14:warped tour. u?

shadows31: warper tour! come on we r in the same place! i wanna meet u.

pixiedust14:not 2night. first night. my brother will kill me if I go 2 meet someone like u.

shadows31: y? cuz a friend of a friend of a friend got us to talk?

pixiedust14:yeah. you're right about that

shadows31:isn't it a little strange 2 u that we've been talking 4 like 8 months and all I know u
by is Pixiedust14?

pixiedust14: and all i no u by is shadows31???

shadows31:yeah. i say we play 20 questions.

pixiedust14:u ask, I'll answer.

shadows31:okay. hair color?


shadows31:how tall r u?


shadows31:burger or one of those other things...

pixiedust14:a wrap?


pixiedust14: burger and fries! what does that have 2 do with anything?

shadows31: that probly cut out a lot of the girls here. r u in a band?

pixiedust14:no, i work merch

shadows31:how old are you??



pixiedust14:I'm not telling u until we meet.

shadows31:when will we meet?


shadows31:favorite band?

pixiedust14:Avenged Sevenfold

The curtain on my bunk opened and Dan was standing there. I grabbed my peper spray and
sprayed him in the eyes. He cried out in pain. "Kiera we are gonna play a video game!" Alex yelled.

"I'm busy!" I yelled back.

"Come on!"


"Me and the guys will drag you out here if we have to!"

"Fine I'm coming!" I yelled. Dan stumbled his way out.

Pixiedust14:I've gotta go. bye


I logged off and went into the lounge. I sat down. Alex, Stacy, Dan, Travis, Marc, and Brandon were all there.

"It's racing." Alex said.

"Cool, at least I can kick all of your asses."

"We'll see about that." said Travis.

"Yeah we will."

"I want to try and beat her first!" Brandon said.

"Go ahead." Everyone said. I looked back just in time to see my brother kiss Stacy. I did beat everyone at the game though. I went back to my bunk and logged onto my IM again. Shadows31 was still on.

pixiedust14: wow u are still on?

Shadows31:I just got back on. y'd u have 2 go?

pixiedust14: I really don't want to talk about it.

Shadows31:okay. so 2morrow is going 2 be busy as hell.


shadows31:who r u the most excited 2 c live?

pixiedust14:A7X. I've been 2 several of their shows. Kick ass band!



shadows31:I can't stop thinking about u.

pixiedust14:well stop

shadows31:i want 2 meet u

pixiedust14:if I didn't trust those friends i wouldn't be doing this.

shadows31:me either

pixiedust14:well maybe we can meet 2morrow.

shadows31:that would rock!!

pixiedust14:well it's late and I've got a busy day 2morrow. I'm going 2 bed. night


I turned off my lap top and put it up. I put on my pajamas and crawled into bed. I could hear the guys talking and Stacy giggling. Shadows31 the following day would be busy as hell. And I'd have to deal with Alex's shit about wearing an Avenged Sevenfold tee shirt. "Come here baby." Alex said. Stacy giggled.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"I hate my job." I said to myself.