Love And Hate

Chapter Seven

"Guys wake up." I said going into the lounge. Alex was first to appear.

"Kiera are you sick?" He asked

"No. I'm happy. Is that a crime?"

"No." Alex said smiling.

"Wow, she's happy!" Stacy said.

"Morning Alex." She added

"Morning" He said putting an arm around her. The rest of them appeared. I grabbed an apple.

"Why didn't you yell something mean?" Marc asked

"Because I'm happy." I answered.

"You? Happy?" Brandon asked


"We better get to work." Stacy said. We were sitting up stuff when I was asked.

"What happened with you and Matt?"

"He kissed me."

"Did you tell him about Alex and Atreyu?"


"When are you going to tell him?"

"When it's time."
"This isn't going to end well."

"Sure it will." Alex and Brandon walked up.

"Any requests?" Alex asked.

"For what?" I asked as Alex began to kiss Stacy.

"For the set-list today." Brandon said.

"Right Side Of The Bed." I said

"Wow you actually like one of our songs enough to want to hear it?"

"Sure we'll go with that." A silence fell.

"Alex! Stacy! Stop!" Brandon and I both said.

"Well we'll see you two after the show." Alex said. He and Brandon left.

"I thought you and Brandon hated each other."

"We do". That night I was on my IM.

Shadows31:whats up?

pixiedust14:Sitting on my bunk.

shadows31:me too

pixiedust14:i'm sorry we couldn't see each other 2 day

shadows31:Kiera I understand. U were busy

pixiedust14:You have no idea. Great show though.


pixiedust14:So what r u going 2 do 2night?

shadows31:sleep and u

pixiedust14:sleep. But I can't lie, this summer is ten time better than I thought it would be.

shadows31:that's right, you thought it would suck!

pixiedust14:Hey if it wasn't for u it would!

shadows31:Kiera when r u gonna tell me ur last name?

pixiedust14:Matt it's just not time yet

shadows31:Is it ever gonna be time


shadows31: this summer?






Stacy came in.

pixiedust14:my friend is here. i'm gonna go hang out with her. later


"Kiera are you blind?" Stacy asked sitting on my bed.

"No. I can see just fine. Ask the eye doctor." Stacy sighed.

"Not like that."

"Okay you lost me"

"how long have you been at war with your brother's friends?"

"Since I met them basically."

"In the last few weeks have you noticed anything different?"


"With Alex's friends?"


"In how they act? Around you? How they treat you?"

"Nope. They are the same old assholes as always."

"Kiera you are my best friends, and I hate to say this, but you are a failure at being a girl!!"

"You've always been more girly than me!"

"Kiera you're sure you haven't noticed anything new?"


"Hello today at work! While Alex and I were."

"Hey Stacy can I talk to my sister?" Alex asked appearing.

"Yeah" Stacy said leaving the room. Alex got on his bunk.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I talked to mom and dad today. After this tour and we are back and stuff they want all 5 of us to go to Greece."


"Will you come?"

"Sure Ektor." He laughed.

"I haven't been called that in a while."

"Nope. Everyone calls you Alex because that's what you go by."

"Before we go to Greece do you want to learn how to speak Greek?"

"No thanks"

"What ever you say. What were you and Stacy talking about?"

"I don't' really know."

"You don't really know?"

"I don't."

"I'm happy I'm not a girl!" I laughed.

"It's confusing."

"Why are you so happy today? I mean you are actually walking to me without fighting. And you talked nicely to Brandon! Who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

"Nothing. But uh don't get used to it."

"Wasn't planning on it."


"Well I'll leave you be."
