Love And Hate

Chapter Eight

"Come on Kiera. We've been seeing each other for 2 weeks." Matt said

"Not yet." I said

"You promised this summer."

"The summer's not over."

"Okay, you're right smart ass." I laughed. We walked through the parking lot.

"A whole day on the road. No show tomorrow."

"No work! YAY!" He laughed.

"I should be going."

"Hey um Kiera do you want to come back to the bus and hang out for a while?"

"Sure" I said. He smiled. At A7X's bus after talking to the guys Matt led me into the bedroom.
He closed me the door and sat down on what I guessed was his bunk.

"I don't bite." He said. I laughed and sat down next to him.

"Kiera there is something I need to tell you." Matt said

"I'm all ears."

"I love you." He said looking me in the eyes.

"Oh wow. I was expecting something a little less um serious. But I have to be honest with
you. I love you too." I stood up.

"Kiera what's wrong?"

"It's just no guy has ever said those words to me. Ale..."


"My brother always chased them away."

"Kiera who is your brother? I know you want to tell me, and I know you're scared. I can see it in your eyes."

"I can't. I never thought I'd be friends with you. much less be your girlfriend. Matt I'm happy being with you. Why would I want to screw that up?"

"Kiera no matter what, I'm not leaving you." I felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"Matt... my brother is." I said, but my cell phone rang. "Is calling me."

"Hello?" I answered.

"Kiera where the hell are you?!" Alex blew.

"It's my business!"

"I want you back on this bus right now! I'm sick of not knowing where you are or who you're with, or when you're coming back." I hung up.

"I need to go." I said

"We've got an extra bunk. Why don't you stay with us until we get to the next stop?"

"Let me go get some stuff, and I'll be right back." I went back to the bus. I went strait to my bunk and grabbed my book bag.

"what's going on?" Alex asked.

"I'm staying with some friends." I said.

"What friends?"

"It's none of your damn business!"

"Oh really? I'm your brother! You're my sister! I have a right to know!"

"No it's not! Alex I'm not a baby! I don't need you to protect me!"

"Kiera I just don't want you to get hurt!"

"I can take care of myself!" By now I had finished getting my stuff.

"Alex can I talk to her?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah" Alex said with a sigh of defeat. He left.



"I've needed to do this for a long time." He moved closer.

"You're not going to."

"Why? I just want to kiss you."

"Ew get away!" I yelled then pushed him away. I grabbed my bag and stormed off the bus. I
didn't care what happened next. I ran across the parking lot towards Avenged Sevenfold's bus. Matt was standing outside.

"What happened?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"My brother and I got into another fight."

"Come on inside Kiera."

Stacy's p.o.v
After Kiera left Alex disappeared. He went to his bunk. After giving him 15 minutes I went to talk to him. He was lying down. I sat down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Why does she hate me?"

"Alex she doesn't hate you."He sat up.

"But I'm worried about her. Who's she spending so much time with?"

"Kiera just needs some space. She'll come around."

"You're right."

"I'm always right!" Alex smiled and pulled me closer.

Kiera's p.o.v
"Read em and weep boys." I said lying my cards down.

"Crap!" Was mumbled from all of them.

"Wow. I just got beat at poker by Matt's girlfriend." Zacky said. Everyone laughed. My phone went off. It was a text. I flipped it open, it was from Stacy.