Love And Hate

Chapter Nine

"Kiera?" Matt asked


"You're not going to tell me now are you?"

"Not right now."

"Okay" He responded. Considering I had been merch girl for Atreyu for so long, the thought of sleeping on a bus full of guys was normal. The next morning Alex was texting and calling me every five minutes. "I'm fine. Y do u even care?" I texted him back finally.

"Your brother bugging you?" Matt asked.

"Yes" I answered. "Because you r my little sister, I love you, and it's my job." He text me back. "Well don't worry" I texted back. The night before Stacy had told me how depressed Alex was. And I guess Alex was cool with Brandon liking me. The following day we got there. There was a show that day too.

"I don't want you to go." Matt said. Everyone else was still asleep. We stood in the lounge.


"Yeah I know. You're not going to run away from your problems any longer."

"I'll call you this afternoon."

"Okay" He kissed me.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I was about to get off when I heard Matt say "Kiera just remember, no matter who your brother is, I love you and I'm not going anywhere." He reminded me.

"I know" I replied. Back at Atreyu's bus I went inside. Alex was already up. I didn't say anything.

"Where were you?" He asked

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"It's like I don't even know you anymore."

"Maybe you never really did."


"You know what I said. I'm sick of hiding from you to have my own life."


"Alex I'm 22, and 2 nights ago was the first time a guy has ever said he loves me. Because you always scare them away first."


"Alex I have a boyfriend. I have for two weeks." That day at work Stacy was quiet.

"What? Don't tell me you are pissed off at me too!" I said getting a little mad.

"Kiera your brother was worried sick about you! Brandon has been all sad."

"Well! I'm sick of living my life because of my brother!"

"Alex is just protecting you!"

"You're my best friend! You're supposed to be on my side!"

"Kiera, Alex is my boyfriend."

"So as long as he is happy to hell with me?"

"I never said that."

"But you thought it."

"No I didn't."

"Well rather Alex, you, the rest of them, or anybody else likes it this is my life."

"You are an ass!"

"Oh well."

"This one’s called Bleeding Mascara." Alex said as they took the stage. After the show Alex and Brandon came up. Of course Alex went directly to Stacy for a kiss. In a way I just wanted the summer over. Then I wouldn't have to hide with Matt anymore. Little did I know my wish came. There were two days left now. The following night we'd head home.

"I can't believe the summer is over." Matt said as we walked back to Avenged Sevenfold's bus. I'd already told the guys bye, because the next day Matt and I wanted to be alone.

"Kiera the summer is over tomorrow. When are you going to tell me?" Matt asked. I sighed.

"Kiera I'm sorry, but I at least need to know your last name." He leaned against A7X's tour bus.

"I know you do" He pulled me closer.

"I'm just scared that once you find out you'll never want to talk to me again."

"Don't be. I love you for who you are. Not for who your brother is or isn't."

"That's easy for you to say now." I commented with a laugh.

"Let's talk about something else for a bit. What's going on after you get home?"

"A week at home, then Greece."

"Wow. Family trip?"

"Yeah. I'm half Greek."

"Can you speak Greek?"

"No. What's going on with you after this?"

"A few weeks of rest."


"What's your middle name?"



"Right. Whatever."He laughed.

"Okay when I tell you my last name will you tell me the truth about if you still feel the same way about me?" I asked.


"I'm Kiera Varkatzas." Matt didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"I love you." He said, then kissed me.