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When the Stars Explode

When The Stars Explode - Chapter One - We Run This


Name: Peyton Davenport
Age: 21
Singer/Guitarist for A Lover's Complaint


Name: Maggie Jones
Age: 22
Merch Girl for A Lover's Complaint


Name: Tyler Fort
Age: 22
Guitarist for A Lover's Complaint


Name: Gavin Undertow
Age: 21
Bassist for A Lover's Complaint


Name: Devin Vonn
Age: 19
Drummer for A Lover's Complaint


Name: Nick Davenport
Age: 19
Peyton's Little Brother


Name: Riley Aim
Age: 23
Band Manager for A Lover's Complaint


Boys Like Girls
Names left to right: Paul, Martin, Bryan, John.


Hey Monday
Names left to right: Mike, Cassadee, Alex, Jersey.


All Time Low
Names left to right: Zack, Alex, Jack, Rian.

First night of tour was always my favorite. I loved it because it meant I could meet and fuck with people and blame it on the alcohol. I was a partier from California, and like Pierre Bouvier I was a loser who got lucky. I was never supposed to have fans who wanted to know what I was doing on twitter, I was never supposed to be singing on a CD, I was never supposed to be doing anything that I was now.

In fact it all started as a dare. I was the pretty popular girl in high-school and Tyler Knots was the scene band kid who dared me to sing with his band in battle of the bands. I was known to never back down and I didn’t. I sang my heart out and we won. We won a recording deal to record one EP, that one EP did more for his band that it ever had before. People were interested in his band, everyone in his band wanted me to stay, for some reason I never left. I figured if one EP did that much what could one CD do?

I changed though. I no longer was the pretty popular girl that dressed to impress. I wore what I wanted in high-school, I didn’t date the quarter back and I was nicer than before. I drank, I picked up smoking, I partied like never before, and like always, I was still a bitch, but that never changed. Somehow though two years later and a CD later people cared about us and our band A Lover’s Complaint and that blew my mind.

“Gavin pass me my yellow skinny jeans?” I asked “Oh and those boots near the door?”

“Can’t you ever do anything yourself Peyton?” Gavin said getting off the small couch “You’re so freaking lazy.”

Gavin threw them at me. I flipped him off for the comment and changed in front of the boys. Wolf whistles ensued and I ignored them knowing nothing would ever happen, they were my brothers, and one was my real brother what could happen? They most would be some comments about how ugly I was. I was never too concerned about being jumped while sleeping or being naked.

Maggie walked into the room shielding her eyes “Peyt do you ever think to change in the bathroom like we all do?” she asked.

“Nope.” I replied.

She giggled and I joined in. I whipped off my plain white v-neck. I was already tipsy to say the least, Devin and I had a few shots, drank a beer, and then danced in the bus like morons, because that’s what you do on tour

I slipped on the yellow skinny jeans then put on a tank top to match. The heat could be felt in the air in the bus, the heat outside was worse though. Tomorrow would be different, tomorrow I would be sober and ready to get down to business. Everyone in my band knew that I liked to party but when it came to business I took everything seriously.

“Is she already drunk?” Tyler asked walking in.

“Define drunk?” Maggie asked shooting me a look.

“I’m not drunk!” I defended then tripped over a shoe.

Everyone laughed and then the door opened. At that moment I already hated him, just by the way he walked and nothing would change my mind, nothing ever did. He had piercing blue eyes and messy ash brown hair that went all over the place. His jeans looked painted on and the tank top he wore I wanted to steal and wear myself.

“Hey Monday is dying to meet Peyton,” he said “I’m Martin I’m in-”

“Boys Like Girls,” Maggie finished “We know.”

Martin scratched his head but I could tell his eyes were on my ass as I applied make-up in the mirror. I had no reason to hate him but the fact he existed, and that honestly was enough for me. I turned around wiping some eyeliner from under my eyes and slipped on my boots smiling.

“Peyton Davenport I run this fucking band,” I stuck out a hand sticking the other on my hip “A Lover’s Complaint is my life.”

“Feisty, that’s hot.” Martin said looking me up and down.

“She wishes she ran this band,” Devin said from the couch “We all run this band!” he held up his beer.

Suddenly I felt like I was wearing too little as Martin checked me out I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and grabbed a light jacket. My purse and iPhone came with me and I walked outside ignoring him. I lit a cigarette and inhaled the minty smoke. I could hear laughter inside and I grit my teeth watching the two yellow van taxi’s pull up.

I stuck my head inside “Taxi’s here!”

Tyler grabbed his cell-phone sticking it in his pocket. I watched the same motions around the bus before Martin walked by me and slapped my ass. I was frozen for a moment before I dropped my cigarette and marched up to him and made a fist. I punched him as hard as I could in the arm and I turned around and looked at Maggie who was frozen.

“What the fuck was that for?” Martin asked looking mad.

“I’m a woman not property,” I walked to the taxi talking “Don’t fucking touch my ass!”

He smirked in the streetlights and nodded slowly. I got inside the taxi and Nick slid in next to me laughing. I could help but laugh with him. Nick was my little Brother and was with me this summer to get photography shots for art school. He wanted nothing more than to be a big time photographer and I had no problem helping him. Nick and I would do anything for each other and it was fun sometimes to see he already knew what was coming.

“I knew that was coming,” he said holding his camera “Slapping your ass is a no.”

I shrugged “Time to get drunk Nick,” I replied “Don’t pay attention to your big sister.”

“Like I haven’t picked you up plastered before?” he retorted snorting.

I elbowed him and watched the rest of my band get in and then Boys Like Girls get in too. Martin made a point to get in next to Nick and then high-five him. Nick agreed and then laughed looking down at his camera.

Nick was the opposite of me. I was the bad girl who pretended to be good in the eyes of the press because it was a bad idea to piss off parents while Nick was the good guy. He barely drank, he never smoked, he rarely lost his cool, and like he said he’d picked me up drunk numerous times. If I could have asked for a little brother Nick would have been him.

“So Peyton right?” Martin started “Why are you such a bitch?”

I ignored Martin looking to Maggie who was smiling. She couldn’t help but smile because she knew I had a bad temper and if Martin didn’t shut up he’d get punched. I looked at my cell-phone for a moment debating whether or not this was really worth it? Was Martin worth breaking my hand like I did last tour.

“I’m such a bitch because just you being alive makes me irritated.” I replied not missing a beat.

As I said that the taxi pulled up and I jumped over Nick and Martin and got out of the taxi before anyone. I ran up to the entrance and the bouncer let me in without any questions. I smiled and let the house music fill my ears. I had just turned twenty-one and I wanted to drink as much as possible without dying.

I sat in a bar stool and ordered a beer. The bartender slid the beer to me and I took a sip letting the cool liquid slid down my throat feeling the condensation on my fingers. The club music was loud, and neon lights flashed around me. I took another sip before feeling eyes on me.

“I owe you!” A man said sliding next to me “Want a shot?”

“Paul right?” I asked looking him up and down.

He nodded “No one has put Martin in his place like that for awhile,” he smiled “You get a shot.”

I smiled and nodded. He ordered two shots of So Co and Lime and we put them back in our mouths. Paul and I ended up talking. In my mind I decided Paul was cool and not a douche like Martin. Even though I hadn’t talked to Martin, I decided he was a douche. I had no logic behind my thinking, but in my mind I had loads of logic.

Paul grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance-floor. We started grinding together. I could see my Brother talking with Maggie, next to Maggie was Martin. I smiled and waved both of them waved back, while Martin simply flipped me off. I grinded harder and could feel Paul getting hard.

I pulled away a look of surprise on my face “Whoa,” I said giggling “Getting happy?”

He blushed some “You’re hot sorry.”

I giggled again “Long time since I heard that from an actual man and not a fan.”

He cocked his head “Really?”

I nodded “Why? Is that surprising?”

“I think that’s why Martin has a sour-puss,” he said grinning “He wants you and he knows you won’t be an easy lay like most girls.”

I got a brilliant idea and as I looked behind me I saw Martin headed my way. I took a sip of my beer and then looked around. I could see people with passes on them meaning they were on tour, but most of all I could see Martin the one person I hated for no reason. So for no reason at all I leaned in and kissed Paul making Martin jealous. Making Martin jealous because he couldn’t have me because I hated him for no reason at all.
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This is my first story ever on here. I'm nervous to say the least. Any bits of feedback or anything along those lines would be appreciated. I have a whole idea for another story but it'll be original. Enjoy this one for the time being. :)