I Just Wanna Live


When I came out of the shower, all them were already dressed and ready. I saw something in Duncan's hands, and as I walked up to him he quickly stuffed it into his pocket.

"Are you ready?" He asked, raising his eyes.

I nodded my head, then threw my hair up in a pony tail and pulled on my shoes. They all piled out of the bus, but before I could reach the door Duncan threw a blindfold around my eyes and tied it tight. I screamed, and twisted around to punch him in the chest.

"What the hell are you doing?! Trying to kill me?!"

"No, it's still a surprise." He said, grabbing onto my arms and leading me outside. I heard the guys laugh as I passed and I stuck my tongue at them.

"Go ahead and laugh, but if I die it's all your fault."

"Yea, yea." Dave muttered.

Dunc lead me onto what felt like a dock, my feet swaying back and forth as we walked. I heard another person talking, and felt someone elses hands helping me onto a boat. They sat me down and soon I felt Duncan sitting next to me, his hand grabbing mine. He handed me my blanket.

"If it makes you feel any better, we all have to wear blindfolds."

"Nope, didn't make me feel any better. Why are we on a boat?"

"All of your questions will be answered soon, I promise." I heard the smiled in his voice.

"We'll be fine." Ben said, sitting on the other side of me, "You've got us."

"Now you're making me nervous."

"Ben, shut up." Dave growled. He was across from me and Jonnie was next to him. The boat started up and we waited a few minutes while some other guys talked. Obviously none of us were drving the boat. Then, the boat jolted and we raced forward. The wind hit my face hard, and I could feel water spraying and hitting me from behind. Duncan squeezed my hand, secretely telling me that it was okay.


I was almost dozing off until the boat suddenly stopped. I sat up and someone lead me over to the wedge of the boat. The boys joined me a second later, and I heard them all inhale.

"Hold your breath." Someone said.

"Wha-" I tried to get out, before someone shoved me over board. I fell into the water, no air in my lungs. I quickly made my way back up, gasping for air and reaching out blindly.

"I'm right here, baby." Duncan said, grabbing onto my shirt. I watched the boat make a quick U-turn and speed away. I turned around in the water and saw two camera men, documenting the whole thing.

"My clothes are filled with water!" Jonnie shouted.

"Just keep swimming, Jonnie, let's go."

I couldn't form an actual sentence while Duncan pulled me along. We swam a few minutes, quietly, the only sounds were us all trying to get air into our lungs.

"I can touch!" Dave yelled, quickly scrambling to his feet.

"Come on, baby." Dunc whispered, pushing me forward roughly. I swam my way over and dragged my body onto shore, my blanket soaking wet and resting in the sand. I collapsed near Ben, who was staring at me, curious. They were all quiet, Dunc walking out of the water last. He walked over and hovered over me, poking my arms.


"What the fuck were you guys thinking." I said, not intending it to be a question.

"We just-"

I stood up and shoved him backwards, "I almost died, Duncan. Died.. Because all of you thought it was a good idea to keep this a surprise!?"

"You wouldn't have come if we told you." Dave muttered. I glared at him, then looked back and Duncan.

"Get me off this fucking island."

"I can't."

"Why not?!"

"We have to get off here in five days. If we don't, someone comes and picks us up."

"What if we all die? Did you ever think of that?"

"Well that's why we brought some things. I brought a machete." He said, unwraping the knife.

"I brought a pot." Jonnie said, emptying his bag.

"I have a head light for when it gets dark." Ben shrugged.

"I just have snorkling gear." Dave smirked.

"You do know that there's just sharks near the reef right? No fish." Dunc laughed.

"I'm going after them too."

"And I have a soaking wet blanket. How is this supposed to be warm?"

"It's not that big of a deal, babe."

"For you it's not. You're guys. But this has to be one of my worst fears!" I sat back down in the sand. "There's no food. No shower. I'm going to die."

"You have four guys that love you to death and will do anything to make sure that doesn't happen." Ben smiled and scooted over.

"Thanks, Benny." I leaned into him as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

Dunc scratched his head, "I'm gonna look around the island. Dave, Jonnie, you coming?"

"What about Ben?"

"He's on Carlei duty." He smiled down at me, but I looked away. The three of them ventured off into the woods and left Ben and I alone. He sighed.

"I wanted to tell you. But we all wanted you to come."

"You're right, I wouldn't have come. I like being where civilzation is. But I would've thought Dunc would've said something."

"I'm sorry." He frowned.

I shrugged, "You guys are my family now. But what happens if something goes wrong? What if-"

"Who cares about the 'ifs'? There's too many." He patted my thigh, "Come on, let's try and find some water."

He helped me up, then lead me around the island. We bumped into the guys, who found some coconuts. Dunc set them down, then cracked all of them open with his knife.

"Let me into your lucious milk." He joked. He gave me the first one then passed the rest around. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it with a smile on his face. When he finished drinking, the cupped my face in his hands and kissed my lips.

"I wouldn't put you in danger, you know that."

"Well at first I wasn't so sure. I'm still mad."

"That's fine. You still love me though, right?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yea. But if you pull this shit again I won't." He laughed and pulled me into an embrace. We all heard a sudden crack of thunder, and looked up. There was a huge rain cloud.

"This is probably the only water we'll get." Jonnie said, standing up.

"You're right. Come on, gather up as many shells as you can and set them out. Jonnie, put the pot near a tree or something and try and get water."

We all raced the grab the shells and put them near the shore. There were tons, but the rain was already starting to pour.

"Come on, come on, come one." Ben whispered to himself.

"Jonnie, don't drink the water!" Dave scowled. Jonnie shrugged.

A few minutes later, the rain was gone. We had more than thirty or fourty big shells full and when we emptied all of them into the pot, we sighed.

"Looks about one liter. None of us can survive on one liter a day."

I sighed loudly, "Bad. Idea."

"We'll just drink and eat coconuts then."

"For tonight at least."

"What should we do until then?"

"Get some stuff to build a place to sleep. After that we'll try and get some wood for the raft." They all started to seperate, so I ran to catch up with my boyfriend and followed him.

"What do you mean raft? You're going out there?"

"Yea, we have to if we want to get off this island."

"But there's sharks-"

"It's the South Pacific, babe. A lot of stuff is out there." He shrugged, "It's better than waiting five days to be rescued."

"What if you get eaten?"

He turned around and gripped my shoulders, "I'll be fine, don't worry about it." His hand fell down to mine and I looped our fingers together. "Help me find some good wood."


We had shelter set up by night time, and in the end we were all tired and dehydrated. It was getting cold too, so Dunc handed me an extra sweat shirt he had underneath his. We didn't think about starting a fire since we were just going to bed anyway so we left that idea for tomorrow. Ben, with his head light, searched for more coconuts with Dave while the rest of us huddled under neath our 'fort'.

"You warm enough?" Dunc asked, scooting closer.

"I won't be warm until I get off this damn island."

"Come on, it's not that bad.." Jonnie muttered.

"Yea it is. Just wait until tomorrow, you'll be sore as hell."

He shrugged and laid down, "Where are Ben and Dave? They left a while ago."

"They're probably just getting more coconuts."

Just then, they boys walked over to us, only four coconuts in their hands. Duncan quickly set them down and tore them open with his knife. He took a drink from his, then gave the rest to m
♠ ♠ ♠
It gets better. I promise.