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That night, i had the most amazing dreams. And they were vivid, like the ones i had when i was a kid. Before i went to the University. When I woke up, i felt like nothing in the world could hurt or touch me. I was invincible, strong again. This day couldn't possibly go wrong. Oh, how wrong i was.

I woke up and went straight to the shower, passing Charlie who was passed out like a drunk on a chair, his book still in his hand. I was so tempted to tip him over, but i needed to repay him after all he had done. I took a quick shower, wrapped my long hair in a towel and went back into the room, searching the drawers. I found all new clothes awaiting for me, all from my favorite brands like Aeropostale, American Eagle, and Abercrombie and Fitch. I squealed gleefully, seeing new shoes, neon pink converse. I slipped on some skinny jeans and a purple Abercrombie shirt that showed off my curves, letting my hair air dry into its curls. I brushed it out slowly, making sure to get all the knots out. Perfection.

I put the new shoes on and woke Charlie up, making sure we was still alive. He smacked his lips and went downstairs, and i followed him loyally. I saw Ryan at the kitchen table, his eyes large and a coffee cup in his hand. He was staring into space.
"Hellllllo, earth to Ryan" I waved my hand in front of him and he snapped out of his trance.
"What do you want?" he asked, placing his eyes on my new clothes. He obviously hadn't taken a shower yet.
"Dude, you smell" i said, holding my nose.
"Shut up Win. I'm going to take a shower soon. I was just hungry" He said with no emotion, sipping his coffee. Charlie chuckled deeply to himself, and opened the fridge. My thoughts went straight to Leo.
"Hey Ry, have you seen Leo at all?" i asked, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
"Nuh uh. I thought he was with you Winter, since you are obsessing over him and all"
"I'm not obsessing!" I yelled, staring him down. He shrugged.
"It looked like it, holding his hand and all."
"Oh, and where were you all night you smart ass? How did it go with little albino Sunday?!" I yelled, slamming my hand against the table. He stood up and glared in a way he had never done before. He was actually standing up for himself for once.
"You don't know her, do you Winter?" He whispered, and i could feel his rage within me. This was a deep anger, an anger i had never seen him act out before.
"Do you know her, Ryan?" I answered. I was ready to argue. We had argued so much over the years, it had become routine. But instead of spitting out a retort, he simply put his mug down, and walked away outside. I sat back down, keeping an eye out for him in the back door. But he didn't come back.

I gave up, and looked at Charlie.
"You did good, Winter. Still the fighter putting the omegas down" Charlie smiled, a proud smile. The last time i had seen that smile was when he taught me how to read a novel, and i read it all in a week. He went around saying, "Ya, i thought my baby sister to read. What can you do?" I smiled back, feeling myself blush.
"He earned it. He's such a jerk"
"I know. He was always the black sheep of the family" He replied, taking out a carton of orange juice and handing me a glass. I gulped it down, and pulled on my sleeve.
"He's always such a jackass to me" I whispered, my head aching. "I wonder why he didn't fight back though"
"Maybe that girl Sunday has changed him?" Charlie said, wisdom in his voice.
"You really think so?" i asked, looking at the door again. "Not after one night. Its not like they did anything that would change Ryan" I said, lifting an eyebrow.
"Well, you never know. You try to manipulate Leo, don't you?" He looked at me with honest eyes.
"Well ya, but, but that's different, He's not Sunny's brother. Ryan on the other hand, is my brother. "
"Ah, i see" He nodded, sitting down. I looked into my empty cup sadly, and Charlie stood up again. "Would you like some bacon and eggs?" He smiled, trying to make me feel better.
"Sure. Why not?" i sigh, looking up. He looked through the cub boards, and i sat waiting. He put on a dramatic show of cracking the eggs and stirring the milk, and i couldn't help but laugh. What a clown he was. I was starting to enjoy myself, when suddenly the glass door slid open.

"Charlie! Dude, help!" It was Ryans voice. I snapped my head towards his voice and gasped. He had Leo, slumped over his shoulder, his head bleeding.
"Leo!" i cried, running over to them. "What did you do Ryan??!" I screamed, anger filling me.
"Nothing! I was walking to the pond, when all of a sudden i see him passed out on the shore!" He screamed back, setting him on the couch. Charlie ran to get a first aid, and i held Leos hand, scared to death.
"Leo, Leo its gonna be ok" I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. Charlie came running back, everything in his hands. He sat on the ground and patched his head up, and then made him swallow a painkiller.
"Leo, Leo wake up" i whispered, tears falling now. Where was Sunny? She would know what to do. Even if she was a freak.

"Ryan, get Sunday"