Status: Please comment!



I wake up next to Ryan, his arm above me, protecting me. I smile softly and sit up, feeling the warm sun on my face.
“Wake up Ryan” I whispered, shaking him a little but not enough that he would get pissed. He mumbled a little, but he sat up and yawned. He raised his arms and stretched, rubbing his eyes.
“Morning glory” I smiled, trying to stay positive.
“Ya ya” he groaned, pulling his legs to his chest. I stood up, my back stiff from lying on the ground all night. And it was rock to. I’m never doing that again.
“Come on. We need to get a move on” I pulled his arm, trying to lift him up. He yawned loudly but stood up, scratching his head.
“Come on. The cage fighters probably are searching us by now. We need to find a place to stay” I urged, looking right and left. He snapped out of his daze and into reality.
“Lets go.” He said in monotone with no emotion. I nodded, not expecting him to sprint off. I had to run to keep up with him.

My old uniform was torn to bits, the navy blue polo shirt completely ripped in the middle. Ryan’s clothes actually, weren’t that bad. His khakis were a little to big for him, but they matched his tan hair. Smelling the morning dew, I was in awe of everything. The dewdrops, the birds singing, the purple mountains. It had been so long since I’d been out of the University, if you called it that. More of a living hell I would say. Ryan’s face was tense as we ran, and I wondered what was going on in his head. I toned into his mine, listening to his thoughts.
“Winter, stop” I heard his voice telepathically.
“Sorry” I blushed, toning out of his mind. I forgot he was telepathic to. Whoops.

Passing dead trees and jumping over snapped twigs, we stopped for a minute, resting our legs even though we bolth knew we weren’t tired. At the University, they trained us for these things. They made us run miles in the snow while wearing our bedtime uniforms. That was tough. This to us was nothing. Lost in my memory of that grueling night, I didn’t hear the snap of a twig. Ryan’s head snapped quickly, staring holes into the direction of the noise. “Ryan, what is it?” I whispered, cracking my knuckles.
“Shhhhh!” he whispered quietly.
“Don’t tell me to shhhh!” I glared and walked by him, looking where his eyes were.
“I think there's something under that brush” He said softly, his eyes darting to the bush.
“Like what?”
“Obviously Winter, I don’t know” He rolled his eyes.
“Ill check it out” He smiled playfully and evilly, ready to pounce.
“Ry, don’t!” I yelled. To late. He was already in mid leap, hoping over the small bush. I heard a thump, a cry, and a yell. I ran to the other side, and my eyes got huge. They always said I had a photographic memory, and its true. Because I took a mental picture of Ryan on top of a white haired girl (Her hair was literally white) her neon green eyes huge with confusion and surprise. Sitting next to her was a boy with dark brown hair and freckles, getting ready to knock Ryan’s lights out.