Status: slow active.

Burning in the City

"Seems to me we have one of two choices, human being or human food. Which one are you?" he asks, looking down at me with that fucking smirk. Fucker knows my choice already.

Warning: Gay Fiction also known as 'Slash', don't like, simply don't fucking read it. This is our plot and characters – do not steal because seriously it's pretty pathetic. I have to be honest with you guys, I will hunt you down and do a drive by at your house (: Eh, I warned you so that's the main focus.

The photos we are borrowing are from other people:

C.J Lester is the nice one out of us and she was writing - Vincent. Now CandyGuns is going to help me out with this story until C.J Lester comes back or something.

Insomnia;; is me and i write - Coral

  1. Coral
    edit: A virus that will soon spread, killing everyone in a brutal and pain retching way.
  2. Vincent
    you get taken to the fighting rink as entertainment for the cell guards.
  3. Coral
    I smirk when I hear a horn and the boy mutter a, “*** me.”
  4. Vincent
    "Do I have a say in this?" Coral and I chorused, sending each other a glance.
  5. Coral
    He's such a dirty guy, perverted actually.