Status: slow active.

Burning in the City


The sun is hiding away in the clouds, giving shade on the people and I standing near the gate. Cheers come from the crowd as a kid punches another guy in the face; I cross my arms over my chest and sigh.

“Damn, Coral you look bored as hell.” I hear a familiar voice from beside me.

I turn my attention to Liam, “I am.”

He chuckles and throws an arm over my shoulder; I scrunch my nose up and push him off me.

“You fucking stink.”

“I know.” He shrugs, looking out into the rink, “We’re running low on water here.”

I can feel my face turning into a scowl, “Were gunna have to leave again soon aren’t we.”

So it came out more of a statement rather then a question, whatever. I can see him nod his head from the corner of my vision and I sigh again. I mean it’s no big deal going out and turning on the water, but I’m exhausted we just came back from a week long trip.

“Coral,” a man yells, “You’re up!”

Turning around I grab a thick, long wooden shaft, a medal knight looking helmet, and make my way out into the rink. Rumbles come from the sky, causing the ground to shake – its gunna rain.

I smirk when I hear a horn and the boy mutter a, “Fuck me.”

Snapping my eyes up, I see he’s looking into the sky and I take my chance, I swing. He let’s out a husky yell as he falls to the ground on his knees. I lift the shaft above my head, but the kid looks up and swings his legs, making me fall on my back. The stick gets thrown a few feet away from me and I can see him eyeing it then me.

I act quickly and transfer all my body weight to my chest and arms, then kick my lower body forward, picking me off the ground. My fist collides with his collar bone, knocking him to the side and I make a grab for the stick. Once it’s in my hands, I look up and see he’s holding onto a shaft as well. I must have a confused expression because he smirks, causing me to glare at him.

He runs to me, stick up in the air and tongue sticking out as well. Right as he’s in front of me, stick at his side ready to hit, I close my eyes and turn. I open them and see I’m two feet away from him; he looks around with a confused expression.

“It’s my turn to smirk, bitch!” I spat, hitting him on his back with the end of the shaft.

A grunt escapes his lips and I watch him from the corner of my eye, fall. Making a swift turn, stick follow suit with me and I bring it down, the sound of wood on wood smacking. The kids holding his stick with two arms, with his chest rising and falling as he pants. Another thunder quakes the sky as well as lightening, I can feel water droplets fall onto my back slowly.

Pain shoots around my leg and I can feel pressure on top of me, his move. Anger moves from my chest and spreads through out my body – he fucking hit my helmet off. Rain pours down on us with pressure. I glare pass my black hair, my gray eyes piercing his brown ones.

“Who’s the bitch now?” he asks, with a smirk.

My eyes flare and I swing, my punch sending him a few feet next to me. I get off the ground, grab my shaft and stalk over to him. Standing over him shaft high in the air pointing straight down, I bring my arms down and slam the end on the shaft against his small chest – I don’t stop.

The crowd cheers as he screams out in pain over and over again. Rain blurs my vision and I set the end of the shaft on his chest, it moves slightly as he tries to breathe.

“Finish the bitch off, Coral.” I hear Sam yell, one off my ‘friends’.

I look down, pass the rain and shaft and into the boy’s eyes, fear swirls around in them. I huff in frustration and kick his side, I hear him groan in pain and I walk away. The first time, I’ve ever walked away from a fight in the rink against some kid. I’m pissed off more then ever because I know the fucking leader will give me hell about this one. It’ll be worse then the last time. He’ll leave markers.

Pain shoots through out my face as it goes to the right, I don’t make I sound as he spat on me. Vex, he’s the one who found my group and others, he’s the one who created all this. The fighting of children and adults, I know he’s hiding something and I know he knows how everything started with this apocalypse. I know I’m his favorite because he knows what I can do and what happened in my pass I don’t even remember, I’m his experiment.
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yeah, updates are kind of going to be slow on C.J Lester's part because she's a little busy at the moment.
thanks to all of you who has commented and sub.