Status: I'm back to update so stay tuned!! ♥

Surprisingly Unexpected

Chapter Six

I love you.

Those are the words I've been wanting to tell her so badly. But I can't. She's taken. But she's so hard to resist. Her eyes, her smile, her smell, the way she moves, the way she walks and thinks at the same time and sadly, the walking part suffers.

“Ow!” said someone as she dropped everything she was carrying to the floor. I know that voice. Ash. And now I'm turning to be like her. Walking while thinking. “What the hell?”

“Are you okay, Ash?” I asked. LAME! I laughed to myself while picking up her things, not thinking that she might hear it and think I'm crazy. Excuse for the laugh, FAST! “You’re almost late and you’re walking like there’s a procession. You walking with you head in the clouds again.”

I think that was pretty good. Nice save. Though I don't think she knows it's me she bumped into.

“So it’s my fau-” she stopped looking like she feels pain in her head.

“Hangover?” I asked. She looked at me like seeing me for the first time. I wanted to kiss her right at that instant.

“Oh, sorry Derek. Yeah!” she answered rubbing her head. “Hangover like hell!”

“I figured.” I said while looking for pain killers I bought for my hangover. “Do you need pills? I have some here.”

“You read my mind. You’re a savior!” she took two pills then ran towards her first class. She looked back and smiled at me. My knees weakened. “Oh, thanks, by the way.”

“Anytime,” I shouted back. “And don’t forget, after class at the usual.”
"Are your eyes closed?" asked Carla.
"Yeah, yeah! They're closed."

"K, open your eyes now!"

"SURPRISE!!!" shouted everyone, including me, then gave her a group hug. We're having the party at Justin's.

"C-c-can't... br-breath.." she was being squeezed too much, I think, but I liked the look on her face.

"Enough, enough. Gift-giving time!!" shouted Carla and that's when we broke the group hug. Please don't let me be the first one nor the last one to give. That would just be too cheezy.

First was Ems, her younger sister. Then Justin, Cec, Sam, Ed, and Marv. Allen Denver, and Jans said they will give their gift later. Now's my chance. Only me and Carla are left and I don't want to be the last.

I walked towards her. She's wearing a really thin, almost see-through, white blouse. You can see her pink camisole under the blouse. She's wearing dark brown shorts and sandals. She just lets her hair fall by itself and everything about her is so perfect. I gave her a star cellphone charm, cause I know how much she love the stars, and a notebook with a picture I took of the sunset on the cover. Originally, I was going to put a picture of her I took that she doesn't know, but she might think that weird. I like taking pictures of her, if only she knew.

"How did you know I love sunsets?" she smiled at me and something inside me wanted to smile back but I was fighting it.
"You just seem like someone who does," I whispered to her. My lips almost touched her ear and my heart started beating so fast. Good thing Carla jumped right in and just handed her a pencil they use on their eyes or something.

"Oh Carla, you're such a spoiler!" she said and jumped at her and hugged her. They fell to the ground and Allen helped them up but she wasn't letting go of Carla, who was still laughing. Good thing she didn't try to kiss me on the cheeks or hug me like that or else I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
Then the party. Food. Booze. Singing. You name it! We were all drinking hard when Allen, Denver, and Jans went to the backstage and disappeared for a while.
Ed and I were laughing about something when the lights on the stage turned on. I stopped laughing. No one was making any sound, no one was speaking, we were all speechless. Allen was on the guitars, Denver was on the drums, and Jans had a bass. Allen and Denver looked like hard core rockers and straight but Jans actually looked like a Japanese school girl.

Everyone was still speechless util the end of the first song. I started whistling, Ed started clapping and whistling, then Carla started screaming, Ashley started clapping and screaming to the top of her lungs, and everyone else joined in.

They sang a few more song. Then we partied harder. It was almost morning when we stopped partying. I was slightly drunk but most were already asleep. I was pretending to watch a movie. Ashley and Carla were still talking about something but they're both so drunk already so I have to keep watch.

"I gotta get some sleep babe," said Carla. Finally! "You should get some as well. Goodnight!"

"Yeah, later. I'm not sleepy." Carla kissed her on the cheek and went to the guest room. Not asleep? You've got to be kidding me. She needs to sleep already.

She took a blanket from the closet near me and went upstairs. She wasn't even walking straight already. I got up to help her but she has gone into a room already. I checked the room to see if she's sleeping on the bed or on the floor. She's not here. The window's open! Oh, FUCK NO! I looked out the window and saw her sitting on the roof with her blanket.

"Mind if I join you?" She was a bit shocked. I guess she didn't hear me coming. "Not yet sleepy?"

"I am," she said. It's freakin' cold here! "I just want to wait for the sunrise."

We shared the blanket and waited for the sunrise. It was perfect and I didn't wanna ruin it but I want to tell her how I feel. I have to. As soon the the sun rises, I'll tell her.

“Happy birthday, Ash.” I couldn't. I was a coward. She looked cold so I put my arms around her and pulled her closer. I felt her relax 'til she fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been too long. A lot has happened and I had to focus my attention to my life. But now that I'm back, I will be updating a lot more! ♥