Status: Active- Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts!!!

30 Letters 30 Days

Day 1-Best Friends

Dear Best Friends,

I honestly can't begin to describe the words on how much you mean to me. I never ever thought that I would be able to have a best friend, but god blessed me with three. Samantha, Amber, and Katy.

Samantha- I have known you since the sixth grade but we started to become better friends in eighth grade. We had our ups and downs. But we always manage to hold on tight to each other and make it through the worse. We had amazing times, I say some of our best memories would be in Mr.Rafe's class and the Avid lockdown. Or the time I almost caught Jeff's backseat on fire. We continue to make new memories now eleven years later. And I can honestly say that they get better each time. You are an amazing person, strong. confident, and somehow can always understand me even when I don't make no sense. I love how you stick to your guns and always seem to make me smile when I am down.

Amber- Your like a sister to me. I am so freaking happy that we met in seventh grade and have stayed friends up to now. I love the times we went to go watch movies together or go get ice cream. Or how we almost got lost in the ghetto on our way back from the Christina Aguilera concert. I believe we really get a long though because we do not have the same taste in guys lol. You are always there for me when I need someone to listen to me vent. I can't imagine going though high school without or even passing Mrs. Archer's class without you. I love how athletic you are, the faith you posses in yourself. I am so proud to call you my best friend.

Katy- I have known you for about 5 years now. You hired me! You quickly became coworker to friend to best friend. I can honestly say before I met you, I wouldn't let anyone in. But you changed that, you helped me start to trust in people. You have always been there for me even when at times I didn't let anyone know I needed it. You taught me to become fearless and go after my dreams. We had so many good times together. Like the time your nurse uniform unzipped at Dennys. Or the time we found a dog in the parking lot of some liquor store and tried giving it to the pound. Even when I got diagnosed with diabetes you were there for me. I look up to you so much. Your amazing.

I love you all so very much. I can't begin to thank you for being the best friends a girl could ask for. Thanks for putting up with me too.

Love Brittany.
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Kind of made me a little sad.