Status: Active- Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts!!!

30 Letters 30 Days

Day 14- Someone you drifted away from

Dear Viv,

Well since you'll probably never read this I wrote your name in it. Well I miss how we use to get together like every other day and hang out . Have dinner, watch movies, and just hang out. Then I don't know one day it all changed. We both went different ways. I hope in whatever your doing that your okay.I also hope your not as prudish as you once use to be.

Love Brittany
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to the readers. The one person who subscribed. And the comment I got. I appreciate them very much. Thank you. So I talked to my crush today and FUCK he is so cute. I want to like ask him for his number, but I am too shy. School was a good day today <3 Seeing him made it all better. I love the song Have Faith in Me by A Day to Remember.