Status: Active- Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts!!!

30 Letters 30 Days

Day 16- Someone not in my State or Country

Dear whoever you are,

Do you have the same problems I do? Do you feel the same way I do? Is there anything fun to do where you live? The holidays are coming up, and I hope you have good, safe,blessed ones. Have an awesome turkey day if you celebrate it. Happy Holidays <3

Love Brittany.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everyone who read. Thanks again to that 1 subscriber. Today was pretty interesting day. I got to see and talk to my crush. Hang out with my crazy friends. And make this new friend William, who was stoned to the high oblivions but still was good company. Well after that I hung out with my friend Drew, he was like a brother to me in high school. We went to the park, and I gave him a handjob. And he came all over my hand. It wasn't awkward but it just didn't feel right because he is still like a brother to me. Oh well. I still haven't gotten my crushes number, I hope to get it really soon.