Status: Active-ish

Finding Me Out

You've got a lot to say, for the one that walked away

Demitri started laughing as I put my cup down. I glanced around self consciously, realising that he was staring at me which meant that he was probably laughing at me. I sunk my face into my arms onto the table to hide from him.

“You have a milk foam mustache,” he spluttered. Did he never stop laughing? I mean, it was cute but it was also annoying as hell. Not his laugh, of course, just the fact that he was laughing. His laugh was smooth and low like his voice and it wasn’t like music to my ears or the most perfect thing ever or anything stupid like that but it still made me smile.

“You jealous? It’s pretty sexy, I know,” I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows as well as I could, “it brings all the boys to my yard.”

Demitri just laughed even louder at that, causing me to stick my middle finger up at him. He totally deserved it, though I noticed the woman sitting at the table next to us with her son give us a shocked look. I think she’d been one of the people giving us funny looks earlier.

“Hey, hey, no need to get angry,” he grinned, “I mean, it’d probly bring me to your yard if I knew where it was.”

“Was that some lame play on words to try and get my address or am I just over thinking stuff?” I asked after a short pause. I took a sip of my hot chocolate to distract myself from my embarrassment.

Demitri smirked for the millionth time, “that’s not over thinking, that’s wishful thinking. But I mean, if you really want to you can give me it.”

“I see what you did there,” I glared at him, “and you just seem like the kind of guy who flirts with anyone they think might be possibly gay just to try and get in their pants. So basically yeah, you seem like a jerkfaced meanie head!”

His face went blank for a while, as if he was thinking about what I had just said; I thought I even saw hurt cross over his face for a second, though I couldn’t be sure. “I’m...” he started off but stopped again, trying to think of how to say it. “I’ll admit that I do keep an eye open for guys who might return my feelings if I became interested in them but can you honestly say that you don’t? You’ve got to know how much it hurts to fall for someone who will never want to be anything more than friends.”

Demitri stopped again, still looking frustrated and a little hurt; maybe he was deeper than I thought? He opened his mouth again finally, with the same expression on his face, “I don’t want to get into anyone’s pants. That happened to me once and it was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me so don’t go judging people before you know anything about them.”

My stomach started sinking and my throat closed up, I felt like I wanted to disappear. I’d made a stupid judgement that was clearly the opposite of him. I looked down at my hot chocolate and realised I’d finished it so I pulled a pencil and my sketchbook out of my backpack, tore a page out and scribbled out my address and a string of numbers, leaving it on the table in front of him as I left, along with the word sorry.

If he liked me, he’d forgive me. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I just typed out a full explination of why it's taken me so long to update and I accidently hit the back button and erased everything -.-
Basically, I'm in America (I live in New Zealand) for two weeks and I've been so busy and lacking in internet it's taken me ages to get the time to post this.
I SAW ALL TIME LOW! Holy shit, best thing ever. I hugged Alex Gaskarth twice and pretty much died it was so amazing ohmygod. And they said it was the last time they'd ever play Circles D: But I think they were lying. And Alex said they're working on coming to New Zealand. And I got a picture with Flyzik.
And Mayday Parade on the 26th. STOKED!

Cupcakes for the people who commented since the last chapter are coming when I get home and I love you all<3
Please continue to comment?

Chapter title from Stay With Me by You Me At Six.