Status: Active-ish

Finding Me Out

Some might say we are made from the sharpest things you say

“...Are you serious?” I finally choked out, no small feat with my throat feeling as clenched up and uncomfortable as it did.

“Depends, do you want me to have been serious?” he looked a little worried as he asked, though he was trying to keep his cool, laid back air as he waited for my response.

I thought for a moment, before nodding slowly. “I want you to have been serious, but I can’t say yes.” I sighed softly and I saw his forehead crease in confusion. “Don’t get me wrong! I really like you. But, I mean, I hardly know you.” We were both frowning now, I felt so awful. Truth was, I was scared. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since I finished high school two years ago. I’d been lonely, but I’d also grown cautious. “I’d really like to get to know you though, and then, maybe I could say yes instead.”

Demitri sighed and nodded, staring at the floor, at the bowl of soup, the ceiling, anything, it seemed, to avoid eye contact with me. I couldn’t help feeling like shit. The worst part was that I wanted to be with him too, I just... It was way too sudden.

“I’m really sorry, did I screw this up? Cause I really like us being whatever we are, and I mean, being your boyfriend would be cooler but, yea. I’m really sorry.” D’aww, he was like me with the rambling. We clearly were made for each other. Why the fuck did I say no?

“Give it time, you haven’t even kissed me yet,” I smiled a little sadly, hoping he’d notice my hint. Sure he was sick but eh, I didn’t mind if I got sick. If I got sick, he’d have to make me soup. Hah, sucks for him.

“Wait, was that you telling me you want me to kiss you now? Cause, ya know, if it wasn’t and I do, it’s gunna be awkward.” Damn, he really did sound like me. A lot. And I knew exactly how he was feeling. So I did all I could think to do and took a small step forwards so he was right in front of me, before guiding the bowl of soup in his hand to the kitchen counter so he wouldn't drop it or anything with one hand while putting my other hand on his cheek, and closing the gap between us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for the shortest chapter ever!
I thought it'd be too mushy if Oliver said yes so I decided to make him say no but then it turned out just as mushy because I'm a pathetic person who hates conflict and believes all relationships should be all happy, happy, happy, even if they're not really relationships.
Sorry for the shortness of it, I just felt like it really had to end there and I didn't want to go back and bulk out the bit before that cause I'm tired as fuck and I'm just feeling proud of myself for updating so quickly.
I'd wish you all a Merry Christmas, but I think we all know the chances are I'm going to update again before then.

My sexyfine commenters who deserve hugs and stuff:
ninjapurplepanda (Fuck yeah, MCR! They're my addiction the last few weeks, my best friend's ashamed of me a little I think cause she doesn't like them but I'm just like DUDE, THEY'RE FUCKING AMAZINGGG! Also, I was gunna say no cupcakes for you and that made me think fo the bit in Mean Girls when the guy's like "And none for Gretchen Weiners" and leaves. I don't even know. XD)
(WOOT, ATL FTW! :'D I feel so popular. And you're officially epic for having such good taste in music XD)

I fucking love you all. And I think my A/N's longer than the chapter now so I'll stop my usual rambling now and go start working on the next chapter (AKA their first kiss ;D). I've never written a detailed kiss before, this should be interesting. Specially since I've never been kissed. YAY FOR AWKWARDNESS WHEN WRITING! Not really D: Awkwardness is only fun when you're making other people feel awkward.
(Title credit from Give 'em Hell, Kid by MCR cause it came up when I put their playlist on shuffle)