The Pain of Love


I grinned and smoothed out my tank top. I wasn't in my usual baggy jeans, tonight I was in skinny jeans but I still had on my skate shoes. My usual cap had been disregarded at my house and my hair was in loose curls. I wanted to look nice for Tom tonight because this was the night before they left for tour. If your wondering who I'm talking about it's Tom Kaulitz and he's leaving for tour tomorrow with Bill, Georg, and Gustav. You heard right I'm dating Tom Kaulitz and have been for five months. I know shocking for the German playboy to settle down but he did and he hasn't cheated on me at all. Well I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Kiara Drake and I'm nineteen years old. 

As of right now I'm standing at Tom's front door. I wanted to surprise him so I grabbed the spare key under the welcome mat and unlocked the door. I placed the key back under the mat and walked in softly shutting the door behind me. After I set my purse on the living room couch I made my way down Tom and Bill's long hallway. I had told Bill I wanted to surprise Tom so he went out with his girlfriend Riley Shadows, Georg and his girlfriend Hayley Shadows went, Gustav and his girlfriend Megan Cross tagged along also.  

Stopping infront of Tom's door I ran my fingers through my hair. I fixed my shirt again and grinned in satisfaction. After I took a deep breath I opened the door. What I saw made my world come crashing down around me. He was making out with a girl who was in her bra and panties. I kept my cool and didn't go ape shit on his ass. Now if this was anyone else cheating on a good friend of mine I probably would have gone ape shit. Tom had stopped what he was doing when I chuckled darkly and he jumped off the girl faster then I could blink. 

“Kiara it's not what it looks like." He said fastly. God what a dumb shit saying ‘it's not what it looks like', yeah fucking right. 

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. I heard his pounding footsteps running down the hall and pretty soon he grabbed my shoulder pulling me in a hug. Jerking away form his grip I glared daggers at him, “Don't fucking touch me. I only let my friends and my boyfriend give me hugs." I growled grabbing my purse from the couch.

“W-What?" He asked dumbfounded. I scoffed and walked to the door, turning to look at him, “We. Are. Over." I said sharply and walked to my car. After I got in and buckled up I peeled out of the driveway not looking back once.


That was four months ago. Those were the four hardest months of my life but today wasn't going to be a very good day because they were getting home late tonight. The band, Hayley, Riley, and Megan were going to Bill and Tom's house for a little get together. Hayley, Riley, and Megan had called and told me about it. They called every day when the boys were on tour and took me out all the time. I wondered if they were just doing it to keep my mind off of Tom, I asked them about it and they said it was part of the reason but the other one was that they wanted to spend time with their bestest friend in the whole wide world. Gotta love those girls. 

When the girls had called I told them I didn't want to be around the cheating asshole and told them I would see them tomorrow. I threw my phone beside me on the couch and closed my eyes laying my head back. My peace and quiet didn't last long because my loud older brothers started banging on my front door. My oldest brother Darian is twenty five, my second oldest brother Jaxon is twenty four, my second youngest brother Tony is twenty two, and my youngest brother Jace is twenty one. Were all close and that's why I act the way I do. 

“Calm your boners I'm coming!" I yelled. Dragging my lazy butt off the couch I walked to the front door and opened it only to be pushed out of the way. “Hello to you to dear brothers." I said sarcastically and closed the door.

I walked in the living room where they were all sprawled out and watching tv like they owned the place. Shaking my head I plopped down beside Darian who was flipping through the channels. 

“Glad to know I'm loved in this family." I stated looking at all of them. They all turned their heads to look at me and smirked. That's never a good thing. 

“Now Kiara do we need to show you just how much we love you?" Jace asked sitting up right. I got wide eyed and jumped up running away from them. I didn't get very far because I was soon on the floor under all my brothers in a dog pile. God damn they need to lay off the junk food, I think they're all getting some fat on them. I'm joking, I'm joking.

“I can't breath you fat fuckers." I gasped out. They all laughed and slowly climbed off of me. Thank you jesus and heaven above. 

“Lay off the junk food guys, you about crushed me." I said with a cheeky smile. “Since you all dog piled me I get to punch you so don't move or I'll kick you in your baby makers."  They gulped and got wide eyes, but stood still none the less. 

Punch one. Punch two. Punch three. Punch four.

“Kampz that fucking hurt!" They all said in unison loudly. I chuckled calling them a bunch of girls and walked in the kitchen to get us drinks. I grabbed us each a can of pop and carefully made my way back to the living room. When I walked in there I almost dropped all the pop. All of Tokio Hotel, Hayley, Riley, and Megan were sitting there talking to my brothers. If your wondering I didn't tell my brother about Tom cheating on me because I don't think his fans would be very happy if he was beat to a pulp. So the over protective older brothers know nothing of him cheating on me and that's why they're talking to him like he's their best friend. 

I set the pops on an intable, “Hey what are you guys doing here?" I asked sitting on the armrest of the chair Jace was sitting in. I was soon attacked in hugs by Hayley, Riley, and Megan.

“Twizzler! We haven't seen you in two days!" All three of them yelled. Wow two days is such a long time....note sarcasm.

“Monster, Skittlez, Oreo would you please get off me?" I asked in a muffled voice. I was once again at the bottom of a dog pile on the floor except this time it's nowhere near the weight of my brothers. 

“No don't think I will, it's very comfortable." Hayley responded. I could tell she was smirking without having to see. 

I groaned, “Little help here?" I asked once again in a muffled voice. Feet could be heard shuffling on the floor and soon the girls were lifted off of me. I heard a growl and saw Hayley glaring at him.

“You better keep your cheating hands off of me or your balls will be hanging off your ears as earrings." She spat. The whole room went dead silent and I swear it was like we all stopped breathing. 

“What does she mean ‘cheating hands'?" Jace, Darian, Jaxon, and Tony asked in unison. I mentally slapped Hayley in the back of her head many, many times.

“It's nothing guys." I said not looking at them. I heard the girls scoff and more then likely roll their eyes. 

“Kiara you didn't tell them?! I can not believe you." Megan exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air. I heard Tom gulp after she said that and he started playing with his lip ring. Damn he must be really nervous. 

“What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?" Tony asked slowly looking between us girls. I crossed my arms and looked anywhere but my brothers.

“If your not going to tell them I am." Riley stated. “The night before the guys left on tour Kiara went to Bill and Tom's place to surprise him. When she opened his bedroom door he was on the bed making out with a skank who was only in her bra and underwear. That's why Hayley said that." She said in one breath. 

You could just feel the hate and anger radiating off of my brothers. The four of them had their clenched fists hanging by their sides and were glaring daggers at Tom. The last time they were this pissed was when our dad left, called me a mistake, and said he wished I was dead. Before I could blink the four of them had charged at Tom. Oh lord this isn't going to end good. 

Fucking stop it!" I screamed over all the chaos. At that everyone seemed to stop whatever they were doing. I looked at Bill, Georg, and Gustav to see them with panicked faces; I looked at Hayley, Riley, and Megan to see them with wide eyes and mouths making an ‘o'; I looked at my brothers to see them breathing heavily and blood on some of their knuckles; and last I looked at Tom to see him knocked out on the floor and blood coming from his busted lip and eyebrow. 

“Gustav, Georg, Gustav can you lay him on my bed for me?" I asked looking at them. They nodded and carefully carried Tom to my room. 

“Jace, Tony, Jaxon, Darian I want you out of my apartment now." I stated firmly. They looked at me and when I didn't show any sign of breaking they left. 

“I'll bring him home when he wakes up." I said to the six of them. Before I walked to my room they nodded and said their goodbye's; letting themselves out. 


I opened my eyes when I heard Tom groan from my bed. I sat up in the chair that was in the corner of my room and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Hearing him groan again I stood up yawning and walked over to him. 

“What happened?" He mumbled slowly opening his eyes. I chuckled and pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear, “Riley, Hayley, and Megan decided to take it upon themselves and tell my brothers about you cheating on me." I responded.

“Great." He groaned. “I need ibuprofen and an icepack." He groaned yet again. I pulled him up slinging his arm around my shoulders and helped him walk to the bathroom across the hall from my room. 

“Sit down." I ordered. He obliged and sat down on the closed toilet and watched me get the stuff I needed. After I gave him two ibuprofen and little plastic cup of water I opened the first aid kit. 

“This might sting a little bit." I said. When I put the cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it, on his eyebrow he flinched and hissed in pain. 

“Damn that stings." He hissed closing his eyes and turning his head to the side. Big baby. I grabbed his chin and turned his face toward me so I could clean his lip. After I wiped it off with a wet wash cloth I went to wipe his eyebrow with the cloth only for him to grab my hand. 

“Kiara look at me." He pleaded. He sounded so broken and sad. I don't think he's ever sounded like that; around me atleast. I moved my eyes to meet his and instantly melted. That always happened when I looked into the dark pools of chocolate he called his eyes. 

“Why?" I asked quietly. Regret floated in his eyes and never went away. He regretted what he did four months ago. Maybe he really did love me.

He took a deep breath and cupped my face, “I'm so sorry liebe. It didn't mean anything I swear. I'm so, so sorr...." He started to say but I cut him off by crashing my lips to his.


“God I am so nervous." I said fidgeting with my fingers. In a mere fifteen minutes I would be getting married to Tom. Four years ago he asked me to marry him and of course I said yes. I mean who wouldn't?

Kiara quit fidgeting. Tom will about die when he sees you." Hayley said fixing her dress. She was my maid of honor while Megan and Riley were my other two bridesmaids, Hayley and Georg's three year old daughter Ella is the flower girl, Riley and Bill's three year old son Braxton was the ring bearer, Bill was Tom's best man, and Georg and Gustav were his other groomsman.

“Ok lift your foot up and let's get your shoes on." Riley said holding up a shoe box. I never wore high heels so why would I wear them now? I wanted to be a princess on my wedding day but I can still be a princess in my skate shoes. 

Megan chuckled at my shoes and shook her head, “I can't believe you actually made us wear heels when you get to wear those. Our feet will hurt so much before this day is over." She whined. I flipped her off and opened my mouth to respond when there was knock on the door. Jaxon stuck his head in and walked in with the rest of my brothers. 

“Hey little sis." They said in unison and gave me a group hug. I hugged them back and felt tears build up in my eyes. I unraveled myself from them and grabbed a kleenex dabbing my eyes. The girls would kill me if I messed up my makeup.

“It's time to start." Hayley stated. “Ella grab your basket and do just what we practiced ok? Girls get you bouquets and get ready. Jace, Tony, Darian go take your seats in the front row and Jaxon get ready to walk Twizzler down the isle." She said grabbing her bouquet. 

“I love you Kiki." Tony said kissing my cheek and walked out the door. “I love you Kampz." Jace said kissing my cheek and followed Tony. “I love you kid. If he gives you any shit I'm a phone call away." Darian said kissing my cheek and followed the other two. 

“Lets do this shit." I said and hooked my right arm with Jaxon's left arm. We waited until everyone had walked through the doors before we walked to stand behind them. 

“I love you little sis. I'm so proud of you." Jaxon said and kissed my forehead. “Love you to Jax. I love all of you." I responded with a small smile. The music started causing the butterflys to go crazy in my stomach. Taking a deep breath I nodded to Jaxon and we walked through those two doors that would change my life forever.          
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Hope you like it Kampz. Sorry it took awhile but I have an excuse......I was sick and have been for the last week and a half. HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!!!!