Family Ties

Cray Hayes 8


Where am I? What day is it? All these questions and more were flying through my head, whats going on? I don't recognize anything, it looks like its all made up of dark matter. Its all purple and glowing and smoking. This is bizarre all I remember is going to bed after a horrible fight. Where are the others?

"All your questions will be answered Cray, in due time." A mysterious voice spoke softly.

"Who are you? Where are you? Good job Cray you're finally losing it." I seemingly spoke to myself.

No response of course, that made me feel more crazy than I already did. So I figured might as well start walking looking for the others. There was only one building, so I entered it. There was only one long hallway, with 8 doors but 3 were boarded up. I went into the first door and saw Vincent being held up by some spell tied up as though on a wall like a prisoner in a dungeon. I ran over to him but was unable to reach him.

"Leave him you have no need to be in this room and situation." The same voice said.

"Why can't I help him! I need to help him, we need him." I exclaimed.

"This world is of no importance to your future journey. It is just to teach you something you must go in to the 5th door ignore the other doors for they are lies." The voice sounded at ease.

I was then blown out of the door. As i looked at the other doors they were all boarded up except the fifth door down. So I walked towards the door and was pulled in. I looked around it was dark but then a bright light turned on. I then saw Sabrina and myself on the night of our first date. Something was definitely weird about this something was off. I ran over to Sabrina and myself only to notice it wasn't me she was with , it was, my father. Then i noticed that it wasn't Sabs, but my mother, I really haven't seen her since before that blood feasting incident dad had. In fact its almost as if she had disappeared, or maybe dad got rid of her. I stood there and listened to the conversation.

"How could you Dan? How could you hunt and feast on young innocents like this and allowing newly turned to feast as well this is wrong, you've put Cray and I in danger." My mother spoke with a little anger but mostly disgust.

"I had to Janet! If i had not I would not be as strong as I am now, don't you see I did this for you!" He shouted

"You didn't do it for Cray? Are you not supposed to protect your entire family?" she asked with a tone of sadness in her voice.

"That son of ours is an abomination, a traitor, he sleeps with the enemy! That girls nothing but trouble!" He spoke with the utmost rage.

" That's not how we raised him, all are equal in this new age Dan, you are the one who taught him never to feast and this is what you've done?" she spoke with more and more anger building up inside.

"I am sorry Janet but it has to be done." he said actually sounding extremely depressed.

With that I saw a figure emerge from the mist, another man large, very large it was Sebastian. I charged at him but went through him was not there.

"Stay away from her!" I shouted but no one budge.

He then proceeded to snap my mothers neck, the most disgusting sound I have ever heard and with that i dropped to my knees. I started to sulk like a little baby, not only had Sebastian killed my mother I could do nothing but watch in terror, and all my father did was watch. He got his attack dog to kill his wife, how dare he kill my mother. An overwhelming anger came upon me and with that the mysterious voice told me that he was sorry for having show me this horrible event. Then all of a sudden I woke up. I was sweating and I screamed in anger, scaring and waking up Sabrina. I explained what happened, and she comforted me like she always does. All i could think about was how I had no father, he didn't know it then but he had just made me even more powerful. My rage would not blind me like so many others before me but give me strength. For not only was i fighting for Sabrina and our new family, but my mother. Dan Hayes is dead to me, He and Sebastian are going to wish they killed me when they had the chance because now, I was unstoppable. However I could not do anything about it at the moment so I just cuddled up with Sabs and didn't let her go until we had to get out of bed for breakfast at 10 am, you know just a typical Monday morning I couldn't believe it was already 17 days into the new year.